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Topic : Note taking from a textbook and publishing the notes online I'm reading a physics textbook now and taking personal notes as I read. I'd like to put my own personal notes online for free -

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I'm reading a physics textbook now and taking personal notes as I read. I'd like to put my own personal notes online for free so that other members of my lab group can refer to them easily.

How can I avoid legal and moral plagiarism?

The equations - I assume the textbook publisher does not own the math/physics equations in the book. In my notes, should I cite the textbook and other references from the textbook?
The words - I know I cannot just copy the entire text online with one citation. However, the physics will need some explanation. Would it be enough rewrite explanations in my own words? How many citations of a book is too far towards just copying the book?
The diagrams/pictures - I assume the textbook publisher owns or bought the rights to the diagrams and pictures in the book. How can I use diagrams in my notes? Is redrawing diagrams in my own way enough?

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Another option, of course, is to write to the publisher / rights holder and ask for their permission. For the sort of project you describe, they may well be happy to give you permission subject to certain caveats like linking to the book, displaying its cover and so on.

If they say "no" then you know where you stand - but it will only cost you an email to find out if they would be prepared to give you permission and, who knows, they may see it as a sales opportunity.

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What you're looking at here is a fair use scenario (I'm assuming that you're in the US, other countries have different laws). In short you're covered, assuming that you're using a small portion of the work for non-profit education use.

What small means is up to the courts to decide but in general, if it's a couple percent of the total work then you're OK just citing it. Citing the diagrams would work on the same basis, that is if you're posting only a couple then it would be all right but if you take every diagram from the book then you're probably breaking the criteria for fair use (but might not, it depends on the amount available - if it's just a single diagram and you copy it, and that diagram isn't the whole of the book, then you should be in the clear).

Hope this helps!

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