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Topic : How Do I Create A Dynamic Outline? My question is about word processing tools and outlines specifically. I've been hacking at a story idea for a couple of years now, and enough is developed -

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My question is about word processing tools and outlines specifically.

I've been hacking at a story idea for a couple of years now, and enough is developed to commit it to paper. But, as an inexperienced writer one problem I have is economy of language. My energy level correlates to how much detail I give a topic.

My solution is to use an outline to draft most of the story details, and assign page amount guesses to each topic. I can decide how much "language" to devote to a topic in the outline itself.

What I really want is not only a great outlining software, but the ability to almost color code or tag topics (i.e.: items pertaining to a specific character, an interwoven theme, etc.). I want to be able to collapse or hide all topics but the one I'm looking at. This way I can see how a plot point, character development, or theme develops across the narrative. This will let me judge how much attention is given to different things and how to balance it all before I put pen to paper so to speak. If I know exactly what I'm writing about, my word economy will be much more focused.

Does anyone know of a software that can do this (separate topics within an outline), or otherwise recommend a good outlining program (M. Word might be fine, but I'm not super familiar with its outlining tools, I also have OneNote).

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I personally would use a mind mapper like freemind but there are many alternatives out there.

You may want to look up an earlier question:
How do you map out your storyline?
which features a simple spreadsheet solution.


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Scrivener does all of what you're asking for.

You can color code documents.
You can organize documents in an outline, in a "corkboard," in various collections and categories, and in a hierarchy.
You can create keywords represent anything that interests you (characters, locations, plot threads, themes, ...), tag each document with the relevant keywords, and view and select documents by keyword.
You can assign target word counts to each document.
You can add custom metadata fields to the documents, to show (for example) which character is the viewpoint character.

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