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Topic : Pay rate and terms for writing book series under contract I have a guy that runs a very successful punk/oi! record label in LA. He has asked me if I'd be interested in writing a series of -

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I have a guy that runs a very successful punk/oi! record label in LA. He has asked me if I'd be interested in writing a series of books for him. 60,000 to 80,000 words per book in the series.

I am new to the lengthy writing game...

His offer is to pay 0 per book and %25 profit share after recoup. With contract and all.

Is this a terrible deal... or?

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Breaking into publishing is very hard. Frankly, if you are a new writer, ANY deal that gives you money and exposure is probably a good deal.

Like any business deal, the key questions are:

Is it worth it TO ME. If you absolutely hate writing and you agonize over every second of doing it, maybe it wouldn't be worth it if someone offered you tens of thousands. But if you love to write and routinely post things you have written on the Internet for free, getting paid even a small amount for what you like to do anyway is a good deal.
Can I get a better deal elsewhere? I'm sure J K Rowling or Harold Robbins would not take this deal, because they can make millions selling their writing elsewhere. But can you? Probably not. I've fairly often heard newbie writers question some deal they've been offered, saying it's less than what they've heard of other writers being offered for similar work. This is irrelevant. Is anyone offering YOU more for this work?

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It's unclear if these books are ebook only, print only or both.

If it's an ebook, then that's not a bad deal at all (especially if you are interested in the topic).

The 600 is basically an advance. You said "recoup." I understand that to mean that if revenues exceed 600, then you are entitled to 25% of earnings.

With ebooks, very few people are being paid advances. I would insist on half up front, half upon completion (at minimum).

With printed versions, it's likely to take a significant while to earn your advance. (My guess is you won't get any).

3 pieces of advice:

1)Check to see how much in advertising and illustrations that the record label can include when recouping expenses.

2)Specify a date at which rights can revert back to you or the right to publish becomes nonexclusive. (10 years?) My guess is that the label is not as much interested in making a killing from publishing but simply providing helpful publicity for musicians; in that case, the label might not have a problem with nonexclusive use later on.

3)Avoid a multibook contract if possible. You don't know how much of a time commitment it will be or whether it will sell splendidly. If anything there should be provisions for both parties to end the contract.

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