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Topic : Re: What's the proper way of formatting writing from a character in a novel? I'm writing a story that constantly shows what the characters are writing. I would like to know how to format that. -

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For a sentence or a fragment of a sentence, quotation marks. For a few paragraphs, block indent. For substantial material, put it inline with a square-bracket explanation a few words in:

He completely ignores that action and
keeps writing. After some minutes, he
finally stops to see what he has

Imaginary Interior Being Disorder [it ran] The
patient loses contact with symbiosis
and one-ness with nature and universe.
Since he loses this connection, he
doesn’t know what will happen if he
dies, this makes the patient to be
terrified of death.

And as Craig said, be wary of italics. They quickly become tiresome to read.

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