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Topic : Re: Simultaneous querying to publishers and agents I am a first-time author, and a few months ago I completed a picture book manuscript. After completing the manuscript, I had it professionally edited. -

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Agents and publishers usually publish guidelines for how to reach out to them with a manuscript. Most reputable publishers will only work through agents, because agents filter out a lot of the really terrible manuscripts that come in. (Google "slush pile" for some interesting history.)

That said, given your background, you are probably better off working through an agent, because publishing contracts are complex legal documents that you don't want to sign without having someone else review them. That is an agent's job—to negotiate the best deal for you, and to ensure you're not signing away your rights to your book.

I would reach out to agents, and I would definitely let them know that you've sent it to a few publishing houses that don't require agented submissions. Yes, agents like it when you have another manuscript in the pipeline, but what they are really looking for in the present is whether your current manuscript is saleable. Reputable agents will look at your work and give you an idea of whether any publishers will be interested in publishing it. More importantly, reputable agents will not charge a fee. Never work with agents who charge a reading fee. They make their money off of reading fees, not off of actually selling manuscripts.

Best of luck to you.

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