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 topic : A particular case of character creation: the "Inner Conflict" in Luke Skywalker I don't no if this is a off-topic question but the main doubt, in my opinion, is solid on the character development

Vandalay250 @Vandalay250

Posted in: #CharacterDevelopment #Characters #CreativeWriting

I don't no if this is a off-topic question but the main doubt, in my opinion, is solid on the character development tag.

So, maybe the concept of Conflict, which I'm comfortable with, will sound divergent from yours. I think that this is a technical minor aspect, but I feel that in my doubt this will make some difference.

In my textbook [1] the author treats, as expected, the whole concept of Conflict in character development. But he treats the particular point of "Inner Conflict" in a huge different manner: something more fundamental than the external conflict or even internal conflicts of the mind of the character. For him, the "Inner Conflict" is called "fundamental essence". This fundamental essence is even beneath Inner Conflict of the mind of the character (and clearly beneath the external conflict). This fundamental essence is the prime cog on character behaviour in story, something "raw"; knowing this fundamental essence the author can forsee the attitudes of an character face a particular situation or, in other words, the author can say for sure:

"Oh character X will never do this!"

The textbook exhibits an example of a "conrete" fundamental essence:


O God! God!
How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable,
Seem to me all the uses of this world!
Fie on't! ah fie! 'tis an unweeded garden,
That grows to seed; things rank and gross in nature
Possess it merely.

The textbook says then that here we can identify the fundamental essence of Hamlet's: Hamlet extend his feelings to everyone when he says "Fie on't! ah fie! 'tis an unweeded garden,
That grows to seed; things rank and gross in nature", then due to this the essence is settled and then he is "ready" to inner and external conflict.

Well, this is a nice pedagocial example, but still, I do not understand quite properly. In order to understantd Fundamental essences in characters, I would like to shift the story to another which I'm quite familiar: Star Wars. So, the story is different but the need for a Fundamental essence is conserved. In the context of "Fundamental essence", what is the fundamental essence of Luke Skywalker?

[1] Luiz Antônio de Assis Brasil, Escrever Ficção: Um Manual de Criação Literária, Companhia das Letras, 2ed,São Paulo,2019.

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Nimeshi163 @Nimeshi163

I don't know if the writers had the knowledge and intention the "Inner Conflict" is the current term used for "Moral Injury" for treating combat PTSD or military PTSD. It is the term currently taught, and a great source for information about "Inner Conflict" of the issue is the Elizabeth Dole Foundation and PsychArmor Institute at psycharmor.org .

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Kaufman555 @Kaufman555

One of the fundamental essences of Luke Skywalker is simple, it's even in the title of his debuting movie: Hope.

One of the most iconic shots in the Star Wars saga is when he stands outside looking onward to the 2 suns in the distance with a sense of hope that he will be able to leave the farm and find his destiny amongst the stars. Later when faced with the Death Star, a fight they seemingly had no chance of winning he never lost his hope.

This sense of hope has given him his rather upbeat attitude always being the one jumping in to the fray to do what he can because he believes what he does matters and in the end will be well.

His other fundamental essence is his loyalty. When his friends were in danger during the Cloud City sequence he didn't hesitate a second to risk his life to save them, and again he was willing to let himself get captured to save Han from the Hutt.

And the best example where his true nature comes to shine is with his father. No matter how far Anakin fell to darkness he had still hope for his redemption and he was still loyal to (the idea of who) his father (is).

This is also one of the biggest criticism on the new Star Wars Trilogy by both Fans and Mark Hamill had on Luke as a character, he became an old grump without any hope who did nothing when his friends needed him...completely out of character which was done only to "subvert expectations".

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