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Topic : Is it all right to write a memoir like a novel? I wanted to share my true story as if I were writing a fictional story. For example, the author Terry McMillan's novel called, "Disappearing -

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I wanted to share my true story as if I were writing a fictional story. For example, the author Terry McMillan's novel called, "Disappearing Acts", wrote a fictional story shared with her many readers while I am sharing my story as if it were a fictional story. Because my story is true, I made sure that all names were changed. I chose to share my story as a fictional story because my readers connect better with my story being written as if my story was actually fictional. For example, my readers connecting with a fictional book with fictional characters like Mary Monroe's "God Don't Like Ugly." I chose to use my true story about the abuse that I had endured at an early age, both physical and sexual adolescent abuse, to connect and help other victims better.

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Absolutely! Many authors have already done it before. I think that writing your memoir as a novel makes it more engaging. Many authors have already done it before, such as the book "Educated by Tara Westover.

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What you are writing is described as an autobiographical novel. There have been many, so they are indeed all right.

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