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Topic : Re: How to continue someone else's story gracefully, with fan-fiction? I've been juggling some ideas for NaNoWriMo and one of them is a Doctor Who story. Now I've not read a great deal of fan -

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Some writers will tell you that writing fan fiction is lazy, uncreative, a fruitless endeavor, and a waste of time.

Personally I don't think that's true.

Fan fiction is great practice for writing, learning how to plot, and learning how to characterize, etc. There are plenty of fan fic writers who are highly praised as "being better than the original", but I do draw the line there -- it's disrespectful, in my opinion. Nothing is better than the original, even if one disagrees with some of the original content of a story or series.

Some authors encourage fan fic (Mercedes Lackey); some do not (Orson Scott Card, Anne Rice, etc); some are bemused by it (J.K. Rowling).

Fan fic is allowed for NaNoWriMo, so I consider that to be encouragement to write it. As well, it brings legitimacy to the genre.

My guess is that you might get a lot of "Don't do it" answers to this question, but I think if you have a story to tell, tell it! Yes, even if it's in someone else's universe.

That's my [CO].02 on fan fiction.

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