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Word Meanings - ADDER'S-TONGUE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - A genus of ferns (Ophioglossum - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - ADDER'S-TONGUE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - A genus of ferns (Ophioglossum - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - ADDER'S-TONGUE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A genus of ferns (Ophioglossum), whose seeds are produced on a spike resembling a serpent's tongue.

  • Spikebill
    The hooded merganser.
  • Tongue-tied
    Destitute of the power of distinct articulation; having an impediment in the speech, esp. when caused by a short fraenum.
  • Productive
    Having the quality or power of producing; yielding or furnishing results; as, productive soil; productive enterprises; productive labor, that which increases the number or amount of products.
  • Serpented
    of Serpent
  • Serpenting
    of Serpent
  • Spikefish
    See Sailfish (a)
  • Tongueworm
    Any species of Linguatulina.
  • Productivity
    The quality or state of being productive; productiveness.
  • Serpentaria
    The fibrous aromatic root of the Virginia snakeroot (Aristolochia Serpentaria).
  • Productress
    A female producer.
  • Serpentarius
    A constellation on the equator, lying between Scorpio and Hercules; -- called also Ophiuchus.
  • Spikenard
    An aromatic plant. In the United States it is the Aralia racemosa, often called spignet, and used as a medicine. The spikenard of the ancients is the Nardostachys Jatamansi, a native of the Himalayan region. From its blackish roots a perfume for t
  • Whosesoever
    The possessive of whosoever. See Whosoever.
  • Productus
    An extinct genus of brachiopods, very characteristic of the Carboniferous rocks.
  • Serpentiform
    Having the form of a serpent.
  • Spiketail
    The pintail duck.

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