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Word Meanings - ATTACHMENT - Book Publishers vocabulary database - The act attaching, or state of - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - ATTACHMENT - Book Publishers vocabulary database - The act attaching, or state of - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - ATTACHMENT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The act attaching, or state of being attached; close adherence or affection; fidelity; regard; an/ passion of affection that binds a person; as, an attachment to a friend, or to a party.

  • Betray
    To deliver into the hands of an enemy by treachery or fraud, in violation of trust; to give up treacherously or faithlessly; as, an officer betrayed the city.
  • Belive
    Forthwith; speedily; quickly.
  • Beaverteen
    A kind of fustian made of coarse twilled cotton, shorn after dyeing.
  • Friendless
    Destitute of friends; forsaken.
  • Bend
    To strain or move out of a straight line; to crook by straining; to make crooked; to curve; to make ready for use by drawing into a curve; as, to bend a bow; to bend the knee.
  • Bedside
    The side of a bed.
    Same as Beetrave.
  • Beray
    To make foul; to soil; to defile.
  • Beguard
    One of an association of religious laymen living in imitation of the Beguines. They arose in the thirteenth century, were afterward subjected to much persecution, and were suppressed by Innocent X. in 1650. Called also Beguins.
  • Besogne
    A worthless fellow; a bezonian.
  • Bettered
    of Better
  • Bell-faced
    Having the striking surface convex; -- said of hammers.
  • Beccafico
    A small bird. (Silvia hortensis), which is highly prized by the Italians for the delicacy of its flesh in the autumn, when it has fed on figs, grapes, etc.
  • Passionateness
    The state or quality of being passionate.
  • Benedictive
    Tending to bless.
  • Bedunged
    of Bedung
    Polite or elegant literature; the humanities; -- used somewhat vaguely for literary works in which imagination and taste are predominant.
  • Bergeret
    A pastoral song.
  • Begnawn
    of Begnaw

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