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Word Meanings - COURTCUPBOARD - Book Publishers vocabulary database - A movable sideboard or buffet, - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - COURTCUPBOARD - Book Publishers vocabulary database - A movable sideboard or buffet, - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - COURTCUPBOARD - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A movable sideboard or buffet, on which plate and other articles of luxury were displayed on special ocasions. [Obs.] A way with the joint stools, remove the court-cupboard, look to the plate. Shak.

  • Plateful
    Enough to fill a plate; as much as a plate will hold.
  • Specialization
    The act of specializing, or the state of being spezialized.
    A genus (Ephedra) of leafless shrubs, with the stems conspicuously jointed; -- called also shrubby horsetail. There are about thirty species, of which two or three are found from Texas to California.
  • Courtepy
    A short coat of coarse cloth.
  • Courts-martial
    of Court-martial
  • Jointer
    One who, or that which, joints.
  • Plate-gilled
    Having flat, or leaflike, gills, as the bivalve mollusks.
  • Specialize
    To mention specially; to particularize.
    Of another kind or sort; in another way. "Otherguess arguments." Berkeley.
  • Courter
    One who courts; one who plays the lover, or who solicits in marriage; one who flatters and cajoles.
  • Court-martial
    A court consisting of military or naval officers, for the trial of one belonging to the army or navy, or of offenses against military or naval law.
  • Joint-fir
    A genus (Ephedra) of leafless shrubs, with the stems conspicuously jointed; -- called also shrubby horsetail. There are about thirty species, of which two or three are found from Texas to California.
  • Othergates
    In another manner.
  • Specially
    In a special manner; particularly; especially.
    At another time, or other times; sometimes; [Archaic] Weighing otherwhiles ten pounds and more. Holland.
  • Courtesan
    A woman who prostitutes herself for hire; a prostitute; a harlot.
  • Court-martialed
    of Court-martial

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