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Word Meanings - COVERSEDSINE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - The versed sine of the complem - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - COVERSEDSINE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - The versed sine of the complem - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - COVERSEDSINE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The versed sine of the complement of an arc or angle. See Illust. of Functions.

  • Illustrate
    To make clear, bright, or luminous.
  • Versant
    Familiar; conversant.
  • Versificator
    A versifier.
    Having various colors; changeable in color. "Versicolor, sweet- smelling flowers." Burton.
  • Illustration
    The act of illustrating; the act of making clear and distinct; education; also, the state of being illustrated, or of being made clear and distinct.
  • Versatile
    Capable of being turned round.
  • Versifier
    One who versifies, or makes verses; as, not every versifier is a poet.
  • Illustrative
    Tending or designed to illustrate, exemplify, or elucidate.
  • Versatility
    The quality or state of being versatile; versatileness.
  • Versified
    of Versify
  • Illustratively
    By way of illustration or elucidation.
  • Vers de societe
    See Society verses, under Society.
  • Versifying
    of Versify
  • Anglemeter
    An instrument to measure angles, esp. one used by geologists to measure the dip of strata.
  • Illustrator
    One who illustrates.
  • Versify
    To make verses.

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