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Word Meanings - CHURCHMANSHIP - Book Publishers vocabulary database - The state or quality of being - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - CHURCHMANSHIP - Book Publishers vocabulary database - The state or quality of being - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - CHURCHMANSHIP - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The state or quality of being a churchman; attachment to the church.

  • Bearable
    Capable of being borne or endured; tolerable.
  • Belles-lettres
    Polite or elegant literature; the humanities; -- used somewhat vaguely for literary works in which imagination and taste are predominant.
  • Bevies
    of Bevy
  • Bedazzle
    To dazzle or make dim by a strong light.
  • Benediction
    The act of blessing.
    A conception or image of consummate beauty, moral or physical, formed in the mind, free from all the deformities, defects, and blemishes seen in actual existence; an ideal or faultless standard or model.
  • Beetling
    of Beetle
  • Berg
    A large mass or hill, as of ice.
  • Behither
    On this side of.
  • Bespattering
    of Bespatter
  • Bestowment
    The act of giving or bestowing; a conferring or bestowal.
  • Bearn
    See Bairn.
  • Bellipotent
    Mighty in war; armipotent.
  • Bewhore
    To corrupt with regard to chastity; to make a whore of.
  • Bedevilled
    of Bedevil
  • Beneficential
    Relating to beneficence.
    A bedfellow. [Obs.] Chapman.
  • Befit
    To be suitable to; to suit; to become.
  • Berlin
    A four-wheeled carriage, having a sheltered seat behind the body and separate from it, invented in the 17th century, at Berlin.
  • Beild
    A place of shelter; protection; refuge.

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