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Word Meanings - COMMONWEALTH - Book Publishers vocabulary database - A state; a body politic consis - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - COMMONWEALTH - Book Publishers vocabulary database - A state; a body politic consis - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - COMMONWEALTH - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A state; a body politic consisting of a certain number of men, united, by compact or tacit agreement, under one form of government and system of laws.

  • Underbrush
    Shrubs, small trees, and the like, in a wood or forest, growing beneath large trees; undergrowth.
  • Underpossessor
    One who possesses or holds anything subject to the superior of another.
  • Unitizing
    of Unitize
  • Undercraft
    A sly trick or device; as, an undercraft of authors.
  • Undersaturated
    Not fully saturated; imperfectly saturated.
    The under or after part of the day; undermeal; evening. [Obs.] He, coming home at undertime, there found The fairest creature that he ever saw. Spenser.
  • Compactly
    In a compact manner; with close union of parts; densely; tersely.
  • Underdressed
    Not dresses enough.
  • Undershrieve
    A low shrub; a woody plant of low stature.
  • Undergird
    To blind below; to gird round the bottom.
  • Underspore
    To raise with a spar, or piece of wood, used as a lever.
  • Politics
    The science of government; that part of ethics which has to do with the regulation and government of a nation or state, the preservation of its safety, peace, and prosperity, the defense of its existence and rights against foreign control or conqu
  • Undergrowth
    That which grows under trees; specifically, shrubs or small trees growing among large trees.
  • Understratums
    of Understratum
  • Stateroom
    A magnificent room in a place or great house.
  • Underkind
    An inferior kind.
  • Undertide
    Alt. of Undertime
  • Systematized
    of Systematize
  • Underlying
    Lying under or beneath; hence, fundamental; as, the underlying strata of a locality; underlying principles.

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