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Word Meanings - CONFIRMATIVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Tending to confirm or establis - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - CONFIRMATIVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Tending to confirm or establis - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - CONFIRMATIVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Tending to confirm or establish.

  • Establishing
    of Establish
  • Tender-hearted
    Having great sensibility; susceptible of impressions or influence; affectionate; pitying; sensitive.
  • Establish
    To make stable or firm; to fix immovably or firmly; to set (a thing) in a place and make it stable there; to settle; to confirm.
  • Tender-hefted
    Having great tenderness; easily moved.
    A plain suit in which a player (or side) could, except for trumping, take tricks with all his remaining cards.
  • Confirming
    of Confirm
  • Establisher
    One who establishes.
  • Tenderling
    One made tender by too much kindness; a fondling.
    Having great sensibility; susceptible of impressions or influence; affectionate; pitying; sensitive. -- Ten"der-heart`ed*ly, adv. -- Ten"der-heart`ed*ness, n. Rehoboam was young and tender-hearted, and could not withstand them. 2 Chron. xiii. 7. Be y
  • Establishment
    The act of establishing; a ratifying or ordaining; settlement; confirmation.
  • Tenderloin
    A strip of tender flesh on either side of the vertebral column under the short ribs, in the hind quarter of beef and pork. It consists of the psoas muscles.
    Having great tenderness; easily moved. [Obs.] Shak.
  • Confirmable
    That may be confirmed.
  • Establishmentarian
    One who regards the Church primarily as an establishment formed by the State, and overlooks its intrinsic spiritual character.
  • Tenderly
    In a tender manner; with tenderness; mildly; gently; softly; in a manner not to injure or give pain; with pity or affection; kindly.
  • Confirmance

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