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Word Meanings - DEFENSEDEFENCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - The defendant's answer or plea - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - DEFENSEDEFENCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - The defendant's answer or plea - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - DEFENSEDEFENCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The defendant's answer or plea; an opposing or denial of the truth or validity of the plaintiff's or prosecutor's case; the method of proceeding adopted by the defendant to protect himself against the plaintiff's action. 5. Act or skill in making defense; defensive plan or policy; practice in self defense, as in fencing, boxing, etc. A man of great defense. Spenser. By how much defense is better than no skill. Shak. 6. Prohibition; a prohibitory ordinance. [Obs.] Severe defenses . . . against wearing any linen under a certain breadth. Sir W. Temple.

  • Methodistic
    Alt. of Methodistical
  • Underdrain
    An underground drain or trench with openings through which the water may percolate from the soil or ground above.
  • Undershrievalty
    The office or position of an undersheriff.
  • Opposer
    One who opposes; an opponent; an antagonist; an adversary.
  • Underget
    To get under or beneath; also, to understand.
  • Undersphere
    A sphere which is smaller than, and in its movements subject to, another; a satellite.
  • Adoptive
    Pertaining to adoption; made or acquired by adoption; fitted to adopt; as, an adoptive father, an child; an adoptive language.
  • Practicer
    One who practices, or puts in practice; one who customarily performs certain acts.
  • Undergrown
    Of small stature; not grown to a full height or size.
  • Understrata
    of Understratum
  • Betterness
    The quality of being better or superior; superiority.
  • Protectionist
    One who favors protection. See Protection, 4.
  • Underkeeper
    A subordinate keeper or guardian.
  • Underthing
    Something that is inferior and of little worth.
  • Breadth
    Distance from side to side of any surface or thing; measure across, or at right angles to the length; width.
  • Skillful
    Discerning; reasonable; judicious; cunning.
  • Underlocker
    A person who inspects a mine daily; -- called also underviewer.
  • Underwitted
    Weak in intellect; half-witted; silly.
  • Denial
    The act of gainsaying, refusing, or disowning; negation; -- the contrary of affirmation.
  • Under
    Below or lower, in place or position, with the idea of being covered; lower than; beneath; -- opposed to over; as, he stood under a tree; the carriage is under cover; a cellar extends under the whole house.

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