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Word Meanings - DIVISIONAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database - That divides; pertaining to, m - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - DIVISIONAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database - That divides; pertaining to, m - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - DIVISIONAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

That divides; pertaining to, making, or noting, a division; as, a divisional line; a divisional general; a divisional surgeon of police.

  • Noting
    of Note
  • Noticing
    of Notice
  • Notobranchiata
    A division of nudibranchiate mollusks having gills upon the back.
  • Notself
    The negative of self.
  • Surgeon
    One whose profession or occupation is to cure diseases or injuries of the body by manual operation; one whose occupation is to cure local injuries or disorders (such as wounds, dislocations, tumors, etc.), whether by manual operation, or by medica
  • Generalize
    To bring under a genus or under genera; to view in relation to a genus or to genera.
  • Make-peace
    A peacemaker.
  • Notebook
    A book in which notes or memorandums are written.
  • Noticeable
    Capable of being observed; worthy of notice; likely to attract observation; conspicous.
  • Notobranchiate
    Of or pertaining to the Notobranchiata.
  • Surgeoncy
    The office or employment of a surgeon, as in the naval or military service.
  • Generalizer
    One who takes general or comprehensive views.
  • Notanda
    of Notandum
  • Noteful
  • Noticeably
    In a noticeable manner.
  • Notochord
    An elastic cartilagelike rod which is developed beneath the medullary groove in the vertebrate embryo, and constitutes the primitive axial skeleton around which the centra of the vertebrae and the posterior part of the base of the skull are develo
  • Nott-headed
    Having the hair cut close.

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