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Word Meanings - DOWNCAST - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Cast downward; directed to the - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - DOWNCAST - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Cast downward; directed to the - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - DOWNCAST - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Cast downward; directed to the ground, from bashfulness, modesty, dejection, or guilt.

    The nomination or designation of candidates for public office by direct popular vote rather than through the action of a convention or body of elected nominating representatives or delegates. The term is applied both to the nomination of candidates with
  • Directorship
    The condition or office of a director; directorate.
  • Groundnut
    The fruit of the Arachis hypogaea (native country uncertain); the peanut; the earthnut.
    A style of dress prevalent at the time of the French Directory, characterized by great extravagance of design and imitating the Greek and Roman costumes.
  • Directory
    Containing directions; enjoining; instructing; directorial.
  • Groundsel
    An annual composite plant (Senecio vulgaris), one of the most common and widely distributed weeds on the globe.
    A primary by which direct nominations of candidates for office are made.
  • Bashfulness
    The quality of being bashful.
  • Directories
    of Directory
  • Groundsill
    See Ground plate (a), under Ground
    Made sick by consciousness of guilt. "A guilt-sick conscience." Beau. c& El.
  • Dejection
    A casting down; depression.
  • Directress
    A woman who directs.
  • Groundwork
    That which forms the foundation or support of anything; the basis; the essential or fundamental part; first principle.
  • Directrixes
    of Directrix
  • Directrix
    A directress.

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