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Word Meanings - GOVERNORGENERAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database - A governor who has lieutenant - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - GOVERNORGENERAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database - A governor who has lieutenant - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - GOVERNORGENERAL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A governor who has lieutenant or deputy governors under him; as, the governor general of Canada, of India.

  • Underkeep
    To keep under, or in subjection; to suppress.
  • Undertenant
    The tenant of a tenant; one who holds lands or tenements of a tenant or lessee.
  • Generalness
    The condition or quality of being general; frequency; commonness.
  • Underlock
    A lock of wool hanging under the belly of a sheep.
  • Underwing
    One of the posterior wings of an insect.
  • Lieutenantship
    Same as Lieutenancy, 1.
  • Underneath
    Beneath; below; in a lower place; under; as, a channel underneath the soil.
    A small cañon; a narrow valley or glen; also, but less frequently, an open valley. [Local, Western U. S.]
  • Underbranch
    A lower branch.
  • Underplot
    A series of events in a play, proceeding collaterally with the main story, and subservient to it.
  • Underconduct
    A lower conduit; a subterranean conduit.
  • Undersail
    To sail alongshore.
  • Underdose
    A dose which is less than required; a small or insufficient dose.
  • Undershot
    Having the lower incisor teeth projecting beyond the upper ones, as in the bulldog.
  • Under-garment
    A garment worn below another.
  • Underspend
    To spend less than.
  • Undergrow
    To grow to an inferior, or less than the usual, size or height.
  • Understrapping
    Becoming an understrapper; subservient.
  • Underkeeper
    A subordinate keeper or guardian.
  • Underthing
    Something that is inferior and of little worth.

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