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Word Meanings - INCISIVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Having the quality of incising - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - INCISIVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Having the quality of incising - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - INCISIVE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Having the quality of incising, cutting, or penetrating, as with a sharp instrument; cutting; hence, sharp; acute; sarcastic; biting.

  • Cuttoo plate
    A hood over the end of a wagon wheel hub to keep dirt away from the axle.
  • Havildar
    In the British Indian armies, a noncommissioned officer of native soldiers, corresponding to a sergeant.
  • Instrumental
    Acting as an instrument; serving as a means; contributing to promote; conductive; helpful; serviceable; as, he was instrumental in conducting the business.
  • Quality
    The condition of being of such and such a sort as distinguished from others; nature or character relatively considered, as of goods; character; sort; rank.
  • Sharp-set
    Eager in appetite or desire of gratification; affected by keen hunger; ravenous; as, an eagle or a lion sharp-set.
    The view that the sanction of truth is its utility, or that truth is genuine only in so far as it is a valuable instrument. -- In`stru*men"tal*ist, n. Instrumentalism views truth as simply the value belonging to certain ideas in so far as these ideas a
  • Bittern
    A wading bird of the genus Botaurus, allied to the herons, of various species.
  • Bituminated
    of Bituminate
  • Bituminating
    of Bituminate
  • Havior
    Behavior; demeanor.
  • Instrumentalist
    One who plays upon an instrument of music, as distinguished from a vocalist.
  • Sarcastic
    Alt. of Sarcastical
  • Sharpshooter
    One skilled in shooting at an object with exactness; a good marksman.
  • Biternate
    Doubly ternate, as when a petiole has three ternate leaflets.
    Expressing, or expressed by, sarcasm; characterized by, or of the nature of, sarcasm; given to the use of sarcasm; bitterly satirical; scornfully severe; taunting. What a fierce and sarcastic reprehension would this have drawn from the friendship of th
  • Bitterness
    The quality or state of being bitter, sharp, or acrid, in either a literal or figurative sense; implacableness; resentfulness; severity; keenness of reproach or sarcasm; deep distress, grief, or vexation of mind.
  • Bituminate
    To treat or impregnate with bitumen; to cement with bitumen.
  • Cuttystool
    A low stool

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