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Word Meanings - INHABITANT - Book Publishers vocabulary database - One who dwells or resides perm - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - INHABITANT - Book Publishers vocabulary database - One who dwells or resides perm - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - INHABITANT - Book Publishers vocabulary database

One who dwells or resides permanently in a place, as distinguished from a transient lodger or visitor; as, an inhabitant of a house, a town, a city, county, or state.

  • Placeless
    Having no place or office.
  • Stateroom
    A magnificent room in a place or great house.
  • Housebote
    Wood allowed to a tenant for repairing the house and for fuel. This latter is often called firebote. See Bote.
  • Housemate
    One who dwells in the same house with another.
  • Houseroom
    Room or place in a house; as, to give any one houseroom.
  • Placemen
    of Placeman
  • States-general
    In France, before the Revolution, the assembly of the three orders of the kingdom, namely, the clergy, the nobility, and the third estate, or commonalty.
  • Housebreaker
    One who is guilty of the crime of housebreaking.
  • Housewarming
    A feast or merry-making made by or for a family or business firm on taking possession of a new house or premises.
  • Placeman
    One who holds or occupies a place; one who has office under government.
  • Statesmen
    of Statesman
  • Housebreaking
    The act of breaking open and entering, with a felonious purpose, the dwelling house of another, whether done by day or night. See Burglary, and To break a house, under Break.
  • Housewife
    The wife of a householder; the mistress of a family; the female head of a household.
  • Placement
    The act of placing, or the state of being placed.
  • Statecraft
    The art of conducting state affairs; state management; statesmanship.
  • Statesman
    A man versed in public affairs and in the principles and art of government; especially, one eminent for political abilities.

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