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Word Meanings - NEWSPAPER - Book Publishers vocabulary database - A sheet of paper printed and d - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - NEWSPAPER - Book Publishers vocabulary database - A sheet of paper printed and d - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - NEWSPAPER - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A sheet of paper printed and distributed, at stated intervals, for conveying intelligence of passing events, advocating opinions, etc.; a public print that circulates news, advertisements, proceedings of legislative bodies, public announcements, etc.

  • Stationed
    of Station
  • Passado
    A pass or thrust.
  • Statoblast
    One of a peculiar kind of internal buds, or germs, produced in the interior of certain Bryozoa and sponges, especially in the fresh-water species; -- also called winter buds.
  • Passerine
    Of or pertaining to the Passeres.
  • Status
    State; condition; position of affairs.
  • Passionless
    Void of passion; without anger or emotion; not easily excited; calm.
    An order passed from front to rear by word of mouth.
  • Passymeasure
    See Paspy.
  • Public-minded
  • Statary
    Fixed; settled.
  • Conveyer
    One who, or that which, conveys or carries, transmits or transfers.
  • Stater
    One who states.
  • Legislative
    Making, or having the power to make, a law or laws; lawmaking; -- distinguished from executive; as, a legislative act; a legislative body.
  • Legislatively
    In a legislative manner.
  • Stationing
    of Station
  • Passage
    The act of passing; transit from one place to another; movement from point to point; a going by, over, across, or through; as, the passage of a man or a carriage; the passage of a ship or a bird; the passage of light; the passage of fluids through
  • Statocracy
    Government by the state, or by political power, in distinction from government by ecclesiastical power.
  • Passibility
    The quality or state of being passible; aptness to feel or suffer; sensibility.
  • Status in quo
    Alt. of Status quo
  • Passiontide
    The last fortnight of Lent.

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