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Word Meanings - SENSATION - Book Publishers vocabulary database - An impression, or the consciou - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - SENSATION - Book Publishers vocabulary database - An impression, or the consciou - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - SENSATION - Book Publishers vocabulary database

An impression, or the consciousness of an impression, made upon the central nervous organ, through the medium of a sensory or afferent nerve or one of the organs of sense; a feeling, or state of consciousness, whether agreeable or disagreeable, produced either by an external object (stimulus), or by some change in the internal state of the body.

  • Product
    Anything that is produced, whether as the result of generation, growth, labor, or thought, or by the operation of involuntary causes; as, the products of the season, or of the farm; the products of manufactures; the products of the brain.
  • Externality
    State of being external; exteriority
  • Statesmen
    of Statesman
  • Internally
    Inwardly; within the enveloping surface, or the boundary of a thing; within the body; beneath the surface.
    Liable or subject to impression; capable of being molded; susceptible; impressible. He was too impressionable; he had too much of the temperament of genius. Motley. A pretty face and an impressionable disposition. T. Hook.
  • Objectify
    To cause to become an object; to cause to assume the character of an object; to render objective.
  • Organical
  • Organling
    A large kind of sea fish; the orgeis.
  • Organonymy
    The designation or nomenclature of organs.
  • Productibility
    The state of being productible; producibility.
  • Changeability
  • Statecraft
    The art of conducting state affairs; state management; statesmanship.
  • Externalize
    To make external; to manifest by outward form.
  • Statesman
    A man versed in public affairs and in the principles and art of government; especially, one eminent for political abilities.
  • Mediums
    of Medium
    Designating, or pertaining to, any engine (called an Internal- combustion engine) in which the heat or pressure energy necessary to produce motion is developed in the engine cylinder, as by the explosion of a gas, and not in a separate chamber, as in a
  • Objection
    The act of objecting; as, to prevent agreement, or action, by objection.
  • Organically
    In an organic manner; by means of organs or with reference to organic functions; hence, fundamentally.

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