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Word Meanings - SOLITARY - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Living or being by one's self; - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - SOLITARY - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Living or being by one's self; - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - SOLITARY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Living or being by one's self; having no companion present; being without associates; single; alone; lonely.

  • Beau
    A man who takes great care to dress in the latest fashion; a dandy.
  • Bewitchedness
    The state of being bewitched.
  • Belocked
    of Belock
  • Bedphere
    See Bedfere.
  • Withoutforth
    Without; outside' outwardly. Cf. Withinforth.
  • Benign
    Of a kind or gentle disposition; gracious; generous; favorable; benignant.
  • Begemmed
    of Begem
    Having a color like liver; dark reddish brown.
  • Berylline
    Like a beryl; of a light or bluish green color.
  • Betelguese
    A bright star of the first magnitude, near one shoulder of Orion.
  • Beautify
    To make or render beautiful; to add beauty to; to adorn; to deck; to grace; to embellish.
  • Belted
    of Belt
  • Bedrizzle
    To drizzle upon.
    Arkansas; -- a nickname, from the many bears once inhabiting its forests.
  • Benthamism
    That phase of the doctrine of utilitarianism taught by Jeremy Bentham; the doctrine that the morality of actions is estimated and determined by their utility; also, the theory that the sensibility to pleasure and the recoil from pain are the only
  • Beggarly
    In the condition of, or like, a beggar; suitable for a beggar; extremely indigent; poverty-stricken; mean; poor; contemptible.
  • Bescummer
    To discharge ordure or dung upon.
  • Beachy
    Having a beach or beaches; formed by a beach or beaches; shingly.
  • Bethump
    To beat or thump soundly.

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