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Word Meanings - STICKLEBACK - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Any one of numerous species of - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - STICKLEBACK - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Any one of numerous species of - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - STICKLEBACK - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Any one of numerous species of small fishes of the genus Gasterosteus and allied genera. The back is armed with two or more sharp spines. They inhabit both salt and brackish water, and construct curious nests. Called also sticklebag, sharpling, and prickleback.

    A very acrid herb (Ranunculus sceleratus) growing in ditches and wet places; -- called also cursed crowfoot.
  • Prickleback
    Alt. of Pricklefish
    Any one of several species of shrews having fringed feet and capable of swimming actively. The two common European species (Crossopus fodiens, and C. ciliatus) are the best known. The most common American water shrew, or marsh shrew (Neosorex palustris)
  • Water germander
    A labiate plant (Teucrium Scordium) found in marshy places in Europe.
  • Water supply
    A supply of water; specifically, water collected, as in reservoirs, and conveyed, as by pipes, for use in a city, mill, or the like.
  • Armorer
    One who makes or repairs armor or arms.
    An aquatic kind of buttercup (Ranunculus aquatilis), used as food for cattle in parts of England. Great water crowfoot, an American water plant (Ranunculus multifidus), having deep yellow flowers.
  • Sharp-sighted
    Having quick or acute sight; -- used literally and figuratively.
    A thermometer filled with water instead of mercury, for ascertaining the precise temperature at which water attains its maximum density. This is about 39º Fahr., or 4º Centigrade; and from that point down to 32º Fahr., or 0º Centigrade, or the freez
  • Water inch
    Same as Inch of water, under Water.
  • Water tupelo
    A species of large tupelo (Nyssa aquatica) growing in swamps in the southern of the United States. See Ogeechee lime.
  • Brackish
    Saltish, or salt in a moderate degree, as water in saline soil.
    A European species of Iris (Iris Pseudacorus) having bright yellow flowers.
  • Watering
    of Water
    See under Violet.
  • Water lily
    A blossom or plant of any species of the genus Nymphaea, distinguished for its large floating leaves and beautiful flowers. See Nymphaea.
  • Water-white
    A vinelike plant (Vitis Caribaea) growing in parched districts in the West Indies, and containing a great amount of sap which is sometimes used for quenching thirst.
  • Calligraphy
    Fair or elegant penmanship.
    The water cress. (3)
  • Water beech
    The American hornbeam. See Hornbeam.

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