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Word Meanings - SUBSTANCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - That which underlies all outwa - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - SUBSTANCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - That which underlies all outwa - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - SUBSTANCE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

That which underlies all outward manifestations; substratum; the permanent subject or cause of phenomena, whether material or spiritual; that in which properties inhere; that which is real, in distinction from that which is apparent; the abiding part of any existence, in distinction from any accident; that which constitutes anything what it is; real or existing essence.

  • Apparent
    Capable of being seen, or easily seen; open to view; visible to the eye; within sight or view.
  • Essenced
    of Essence
  • Inherently
    By inherence; inseparably.
  • Permanently
    In a permanent manner.
  • Spiritually
    In a spiritual manner; with purity of spirit; like a spirit.
  • Substratum
    That which is laid or spread under; that which underlies something, as a layer of earth lying under another; specifically (Agric.), the subsoil.
  • Apparently
  • Material
    Consisting of matter; not spiritual; corporeal; physical; as, material substance or bodies.
  • Phenomenal
    Relating to, or of the nature of, a phenomenon; hence, extraordinary; wonderful; as, a phenomenal memory.
  • Spiritual-minded
    Having the mind set on spiritual things, or filled with holy desires and affections.
  • Whether
    Which (of two); which one (of two); -- used interrogatively and relatively.
  • Abidance
    The state of abiding; abode; continuance; compliance (with).
  • Apparentness
    Plainness to the eye or the mind; visibleness; obviousness.
  • Existing
    of Exist
  • Materialism
    The doctrine of materialists; materialistic views and tenets.
  • Phenomenalism
    That theory which limits positive or scientific knowledge to phenomena only, whether material or spiritual.
  • Spiritualness
    The quality or state of being spiritual or spiritual-minded; spirituality.
  • Whethering
    The retention of the afterbirth in cows.

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