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Word Meanings - SURFACE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - The exterior part of anything - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - SURFACE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - The exterior part of anything - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - SURFACE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The exterior part of anything that has length and breadth; one of the limits that bound a solid, esp. the upper face; superficies; the outside; as, the surface of the earth; the surface of a diamond; the surface of the body.

  • Solidifying
    of Solidify
  • Uppermost
    Highest in place, position, rank, power, or the like; upmost; supreme.
    That property, due to molecular forces, which exists in the surface film of all liquids and tends to bring the contained volume into a form having the least superficial area. The thickness of this film, amounting to less than a thousandth of a millimete
  • Breadthwinner
    The member of a family whose labor supplies the food of the family; one who works for his living.
  • Earthen
    Made of earth; made of burnt or baked clay, or other like substances; as, an earthen vessel or pipe.
  • Earthshock
    An earthquake.
  • Lengthily
    In a lengthy manner; at great length or extent.
  • Solidify
    To make solid or compact.
  • Uppertendom
    The highest class in society; the upper ten. See Upper ten, under Upper.
  • Earthen-hearted
    Hard-hearted; sordid; gross.
  • Earthstar
    A curious fungus of the genus Geaster, in which the outer coating splits into the shape of a star, and the inner one forms a ball containing the dustlike spores.
  • Lengthiness
    The state or quality of being lengthy; prolixity.
  • Solidism
    The doctrine that refers all diseases to morbid changes of the solid parts of the body. It rests on the view that the solids alone are endowed with vital properties, and can receive the impression of agents tending to produce disease.
    One celebrated upon the completion of sixty, or, according to some, seventy-five, years from the beginning of the thing commemorated.
  • Anything
    Any object, act, state, event, or fact whatever; thing of any kind; something or other; aught; as, I would not do it for anything.
  • Diamond-back
    The salt-marsh terrapin of the Atlantic coast (Malacoclemmys palustris).
  • Earthenware
    Vessels and other utensils, ornaments, or the like, made of baked clay. See Crockery, Pottery, Stoneware, and Porcelain.
  • Earth-tongue
    A fungus of the genus Geoglossum.
  • Lengthways
    Alt. of Lengthwise

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