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Word Meanings - TUBESHELL - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Any bivalve mollusk which secr - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - TUBESHELL - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Any bivalve mollusk which secr - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - TUBESHELL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Any bivalve mollusk which secretes a shelly tube around its siphon, as the watering-shell.

    See under Wagtail.
  • Waterfowl
    Any bird that frequents the water, or lives about rivers, lakes, etc., or on or near the sea; an aquatic fowl; -- used also collectively.
  • Water soldier
    An aquatic European plant (Stratiotes aloides) with bayonet-shaped leaves.
    A gate, or valve, by which a flow of water is permitted, prevented, or regulated.
  • Shellproof
    Capable of resisting bombs or other shells; bombproof.
  • Water gruel
    A liquid food composed of water and a small portion of meal, or other farinaceous substance, boiled and seasoned.
  • Water thermometer
    A thermometer filled with water instead of mercury, for ascertaining the precise temperature at which water attains its maximum density. This is about 39¡ Fahr., or 4¡ Centigrade; and from that point down to 32¡ Fahr., or 0¡ Centigrade, or the
    A chamber surrounding a vessel or tube in which water may be circulated, thereby regulating the temperature or supply of heat to the vessel. Used in laboratory and manufacturing equipment. water- jacketed. Having a water jacket; -- as, a water-jacketed
  • Siphonobranchiata
    A tribe of gastropods having the mantle border, on one or both sides, prolonged in the form of a spout through which water enters the gill cavity. The shell itself is not always siphonostomatous in this group.
  • Water joint
    A joint in a stone pavement where the stones are left slightly higher than elsewhere, the rest of the surface being sunken or dished. The raised surface is intended to prevent the settling of water in the joints.
  • Water vine
    Any plant of the genus Phytocrene, climbing shrubs of Asia and Africa, the stems of which are singularly porous, and when cut stream with a limpid potable juice.
    A measure formerly used for articles brought by water, as coals, oysters, etc. The water-measure bushel was three gallons larger than the Winchester bushel. Cowell.
  • Water aloe
    See Water soldier.
  • Water locust
    A thorny leguminous tree (Gleditschia monosperma) which grows in the swamps of the Mississippi valley.
    Same as Ordeal by water. See the Note under Ordeal, n., 1.
  • Water blackbird
    The European water ousel, or dipper.
  • Water monitor
    A very large lizard (Varanaus salvator) native of India. It frequents the borders of streams and swims actively. It becomes five or six feet long. Called also two-banded monitor, and kabaragoya. The name is also applied to other aquatic monitors.
    Any species of Tardigrada, 2. See Illust. of Tardigrada.
    A water hole in the bed of an intermittent stream, esp. the bowl at the foot of a cliff over which the stream leaps when in the flood stage. [Western U. S.]

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