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Word Meanings - TENDRIL - Book Publishers vocabulary database - A slender, leafless portion of - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - TENDRIL - Book Publishers vocabulary database - A slender, leafless portion of - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - TENDRIL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

A slender, leafless portion of a plant by which it becomes attached to a supporting body, after which the tendril usually contracts by coiling spirally.

  • Supportful
    Abounding with support.
    One of the small notes occur on the unaccented parts of the measure, taking their time from the preceding note.
  • After-image
    The impression of a vivid sensation retained by the retina of the eye after the cause has been removed; also extended to impressions left of tones, smells, etc.
  • After-wit
    Wisdom or perception that comes after it can be of use.
  • Plantable
    Capable of being planted; fit to be planted.
  • Plantule
    The embryo which has begun its development in the act of germination.
  • Supportless
    Having no support.
    The sails on the mizzenmast, or on the stays between the mainmast and mizzenmast. Totten.
  • Afterings
    The last milk drawn in milking; strokings.
  • After-witted
    Characterized by after-wit; slow-witted.
  • Plantage
    A word used once by Shakespeare to designate plants in general, or anything that is planted.
  • Portion
    That which is divided off or separated, as a part from a whole; a separated part of anything.
  • Supportment
    A sensation or sense impression following the removal of a stimulus producing a primary sensation, and reproducing the primary sensation in positive, negative, or complementary form. The aftersensation may be continuous with the primary sensation or fol
  • Aftermath
    A second moving; the grass which grows after the first crop of hay in the same season; rowen.
  • Attached
    of Attach
  • Plantain
    A treelike perennial herb (Musa paradisiaca) of tropical regions, bearing immense leaves and large clusters of the fruits called plantains. See Musa.
  • Portioned
    of Portion
  • Supportress
    A female supporter.

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