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Word Meanings - THERMOSCOPE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - An instrument for indicating c - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - THERMOSCOPE - Book Publishers vocabulary database - An instrument for indicating c - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - THERMOSCOPE - Book Publishers vocabulary database

An instrument for indicating changes of temperature without indicating the degree of heat by which it is affected; especially, an instrument contrived by Count Rumford which, as modified by Professor Leslie, was afterward called the differential thermometer.

  • Counterpole
    The exact opposite.
    Paly, and then divided fesswise, so that each vertical piece is cut into two, having the colors used alternately or counterchanged. Thus the escutcheon in the illustration may also be blazoned paly of six per fess counterchanged argent and azure.
  • Callithump
    A somewhat riotous parade, accompanied with the blowing of tin horns, and other discordant noises; also, a burlesque serenade; a charivari.
  • Countersigning
    of Countersign
    The view that the sanction of truth is its utility, or that truth is genuine only in so far as it is a valuable instrument. -- In`stru*men"tal*ist, n. Instrumentalism views truth as simply the value belonging to certain ideas in so far as these ideas a
  • Contrive
    To form by an exercise of ingenuity; to devise; to invent; to design; to plan.
  • Countervailed
    of Countervail
  • Counteraction
    Action in opposition; hindrance resistance.
  • Countor
    An advocate or professional pleader; one who counted for his client, that is, orally pleaded his cause.
  • Countercharmed
    of Countercharm
  • Countrywomen
    of Countrywoman
  • Counterfeit
    Representing by imitation or likeness; having a resemblance to something else; portrayed.
  • Indicatory
    Serving to show or make known; showing; indicative; signifying; implying.
  • Counterjumper
    A salesman in a shop; a shopman; -- used contemptuously.
  • Modification
    The act of modifying, or the state of being modified; a modified form or condition; state as modified; a change; as, the modification of an opinion, or of a machine; the various modifications of light.
  • Affectionated
    Disposed; inclined.
  • Countermure
    A wall raised behind another, to supply its place when breached or destroyed. [R.] Cf. Contramure.
  • Whichsoever
    Whether one or another; whether one or the other; which; that one (of two or more) which; as, whichever road you take, it will lead you to town.

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