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Word Meanings - THUNDERBIRD - Book Publishers vocabulary database - An Australian insectivorous si - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - THUNDERBIRD - Book Publishers vocabulary database - An Australian insectivorous si - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - THUNDERBIRD - Book Publishers vocabulary database

An Australian insectivorous singing bird (Pachycephala gutturalis). The male is conspicuously marked with black and yellow, and has a black crescent on the breast. Called also white-throated thickhead, orange-breasted thrust, black-crowned thrush, guttural thrush, and black-breasted flycatcher.

  • Callosities
    of Callosity
  • White-ear
    The wheatear.
    Whitewashed or plastered with lime. "White-limed walls." Shak.
  • Blackboard
    A broad board painted black, or any black surface on which writing, drawing, or the working of mathematical problems can be done with chalk or crayons. It is much used in schools.
  • Crown-imperial
    A spring-blooming plant (Fritillaria imperialis) of the Lily family, having at the top of the stalk a cluster of pendent bell-shaped flowers surmounted with a tuft of green leaves.
  • Whiten
    To grow white; to turn or become white or whiter; as, the hair whitens with age; the sea whitens with foam; the trees in spring whiten with blossoms.
  • Blackfish
    A small kind of whale, of the genus Globicephalus, of several species. The most common is G. melas. Also sometimes applied to other whales of larger size.
  • Gutturalness
    The quality of being guttural.
  • Whitewashing
    of Whitewash
  • Blackleg
    A notorious gambler.
  • Markis
    A marquis.
  • Yellowfish
    A rock trout (Pleurogrammus monopterygius) found on the coast of Alaska; -- called also striped fish, and Atka mackerel.
  • Black Rod
    the usher to the Chapter of the Garter, so called from the black rod which he carries. He is of the king's chamber, and also usher to the House of Lords.
  • Singed
    of Singe
    A system of balloting or voting in public elections, originally used in South Australia, in which there is such an arrangement for polling votes that secrecy is compulsorily maintained, and the ballot used is an official ballot printed and distributed b
  • Singleness
    The quality or state of being single, or separate from all others; the opposite of doubleness, complication, or multiplicity.
    A name given by English miners to sphalerite, or zinc blende; - - called also false galena. See Blende. 2. Caramel or burnt sugar, used to color wines, spirits, ground coffee, etc. 3. A large leather vessel for beer, etc. [Obs.] 4. (Bot.)
  • Breastrail
    The upper rail of any parapet of ordinary height, as of a balcony; the railing of a quarter-deck, etc.
  • Singult
    A sigh or sobbing; also, a hiccough.

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