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Word Meanings - VAULTY - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Arched; concave. - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - VAULTY - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Arched; concave. - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - VAULTY - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Arched; concave.

    A wedge-shaped brick used in the building of an arch.
  • Archaeozoic
    Like or belonging to the earliest forms of animal life.
  • Archchancellor
    A chief chancellor; -- an officer in the old German empire, who presided over the secretaries of the court.
  • Archencephala
    The division that includes man alone.
  • Archeus
    The vital principle or force which (according to the Paracelsians) presides over the growth and continuation of living beings; the anima mundi or plastic power of the old philosophers.
  • Archimandrite
    A chief of a monastery, corresponding to abbot in the Roman Catholic church.
  • Architrave
    The lower division of an entablature, or that part which rests immediately on the column, esp. in classical architecture. See Column.
  • Archprelate
    An archbishop or other chief prelate.
    Same as Archæology, etc.
  • Archaic
    Of or characterized by antiquity or archaism; antiquated; obsolescent.
  • Archchemic
    Of supreme chemical powers.
  • Archenemy
    A principal enemy. Specifically, Satan, the grand adversary of mankind.
  • Archimedean
    Of or pertaining to Archimedes, a celebrated Greek philosopher; constructed on the principle of Archimedes' screw; as, Archimedean drill, propeller, etc.
  • Architraved
    Furnished with an architrave.
  • Archpresbyter
    Same as Archpriest.
    A small fish (Toxotes jaculator), of the East Indies; -- so called from its ejecting drops of water from its mouth at its prey. The name is also applied to Chætodon rostratus.
  • Archaical
  • Archdeacon
    In England, an ecclesiastical dignitary, next in rank below a bishop, whom he assists, and by whom he is appointed, though with independent authority.

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