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Word Meanings - WATERFEATHERWATERFEATHERFOIL - Book Publishers vocabulary database - The water violet (Hottonia pal - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - WATERFEATHERWATERFEATHERFOIL - Book Publishers vocabulary database - The water violet (Hottonia pal - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - WATERFEATHERWATERFEATHERFOIL - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The water violet (Hottonia palustris); also, the less showy American plant H. inflata.

  • Water feather-foil
    The water violet (Hottonia palustris); also, the less showy American plant H. inflata.
  • Water shield
    An aquatic American plant (Brasenia peltata) having floating oval leaves, and the covered with a clear jelly.
    The windowpane (Pleuronectes maculatus). [Local, U. S.]
  • Water gauge
    A wall or bank to hold water back.
  • Water star grass
    An aquatic plant (Schollera graminea) with grassy leaves, and yellow star-shaped blossoms.
    See under Hemp.
  • Water ice
    Water flavored, sweetened, and frozen, to be eaten as a confection.
  • Water trefoil
    The buck bean.
    A blossom or plant of any species of the genus Nymphæa, distinguished for its large floating leaves and beautiful flowers. See Nymphæa. Note: The name is extended to various plants of other related genera, as Nuphar, Euryale, Nelumbo, and Victoria. S
  • Water lettuce
    A plant (Pistia stratiotes) which floats on tropical waters, and forms a rosette of spongy, wedge-shaped leaves.
  • Water wing
    One of two walls built on either side of the junction of a bridge with the bank of a river, to protect the abutment of the bridge and the bank from the action of the current.
    A jar or bottle, as of porous earthenware, in which water is cooled by evaporation.
  • Water-bearer
    The constellation Aquarius.
  • Water milfoil
    Any plant of the genus Myriophyllum, aquatic herbs with whorled leaves, the submersed ones pinnately parted into capillary divisions.
    An aroid herb (Calla palustris) having a white spathe. It is an inhabitant of the north temperate zone.
    A small white-flowered shrub; brookweed.
  • Water buffalo
    The European buffalo.
  • Water ouzel
    Any one of several species of small insessorial birds of the genus Cinclus (or Hydrobates), especially the European water ousel (C. aquaticus), and the American water ousel (C. Mexicanus). These birds live about the water, and are in the habit of

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