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Word Meanings - WATERINCH - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Same as Inch of water, under W - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - WATERINCH - Book Publishers vocabulary database - Same as Inch of water, under W - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - WATERINCH - Book Publishers vocabulary database

Same as Inch of water, under Water.

  • Underrun
    To run or pass under; especially (Naut.), to pass along and under, as a cable, for the purpose of taking it in, or of examining it.
    A drain or channel for draining off water.
  • Water buck
    A large, heavy antelope (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) native of Central Africa. It frequents the banks of rivers and is a good swimmer. It has a white ring around the rump. Called also photomok, water antelope, and waterbok.
    A large metal pipe made to be extended vertically by sections, and used for discharging water upon burning buildings.
  • Water ousel
    Alt. of Water ouzel
  • Underdolven
    p. p. of Underdelve.
  • Undershoot
    To shoot short of (a mark).
    See Water gauge.
  • Water chickweed
    A small annual plant (Montia fontana) growing in wet places in southern regions.
    A vinelike plant (Vitis Caribæa) growing in parched districts in the West Indies, and containing a great amount of sap which is sometimes used for quenching thirst.
  • Water poa
    Meadow reed grass. See under Reed.
  • Underfurrow
    To cover as under a furrow; to plow in; as, to underfurrow seed or manure.
  • Undersparred
    Having spars smaller than the usual dimension; -- said of vessels.
    Either of several tropical aquatic plants of the genus Eichhornia, related to the pickerel weed.
  • Water deer
    A small Chinese deer (Hydropotes inermis). Both sexes are destitute of antlers, but the male has large, descending canine tusks.
  • Water rate
    A rate or tax for a supply of water.
  • Undergrove
    A grove of shrubs or low trees under taller ones.
  • Water viper
    See Water moccasin.
  • Understrapper
    A petty fellow; an inferior agent; an underling.
    A thorny leguminous tree (Gleditschia monosperma) which grows in the swamps of the Mississippi valley.

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