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Word Meanings - WHITERUMP - Book Publishers vocabulary database - The American black-tailed godw - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - WHITERUMP - Book Publishers vocabulary database - The American black-tailed godw - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - WHITERUMP - Book Publishers vocabulary database

The American black-tailed godwit.

    Crude potash. De Colange.
  • Blackballing
    of Blackball
  • Blackener
    One who blackens.
  • Black hole
    A dungeon or dark cell in a prison; a military lock-up or guardroom; -- now commonly with allusion to the cell (the Black Hole) in a fort at Calcutta, into which 146 English prisoners were thrust by the nabob Suraja Dowla on the night of June 20,
  • Blackmoor
    See Blackamoor.
  • Black vomit
    A copious vomiting of dark-colored matter; or the substance so discharged; -- one of the most fatal symptoms in yellow fever.
    A beautiful warbler of the United States (Dendroica Blackburniæ). The male is strongly marked with orange, yellow, and black on the head and neck, and has an orange-yellow breast.
    A snake of a black color, of which two species are common in the United States, the Bascanium constrictor, or racer, sometimes six feet long, and the Scotophis Alleghaniensis, seven or eight feet long. Note: The name is also applied to various other bl
  • Blackband
    An earthy carbonate of iron containing considerable carbonaceous matter; -- valuable as an iron ore.
  • Black-eyed
    Having black eyes.
  • Blackish
    Somewhat black.
  • Black-mouthed
    Using foul or scurrilous language; slanderous.
  • Black wash
    Alt. of Blackwash
  • Tailored
    of Tailor
    A pestilence which ravaged Europe and Asia in the fourteenth century.
  • American
    Of or pertaining to America; as, the American continent: American Indians.
    One of an old and well-known Mediterranean breed of domestic fowls with glossy black plumage, blue legs and feet, bright red comb and wattles, and white face. They are remarkable as egg layers.
  • Black bass
    An edible, fresh-water fish of the United States, of the genus Micropterus. the small-mouthed kind is M. dolomiei; the large-mouthed is M. salmoides.
  • Black-faced
    Having a black, dark, or gloomy face or aspect.

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