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Word Meanings - WINTER-GROUND - Book Publishers vocabulary database - To coved over in the season of - selfpublishingguru.com
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Word Meanings - WINTER-GROUND - Book Publishers vocabulary database - To coved over in the season of - selfpublishingguru.com

Word Meanings - WINTER-GROUND - Book Publishers vocabulary database

To coved over in the season of winter, as for protection or shelter; as, to winter-ground the roods of a plant.

  • Covenous
    See Covinous, and Covin.
  • Covertly
    Secretly; in private; insidiously.
  • Grounded
    of Ground
  • Plantage
    A word used once by Shakespeare to designate plants in general, or anything that is planted.
  • Protection
    The act of protecting, or the state of being protected; preservation from loss, injury, or annoyance; defense; shelter; as, the weak need protection.
    A native sulphide of copper, occuring in masses of a dark blue color; -- hence called indigo copper.
  • Covertness
    Secrecy; privacy.
  • Grounding
    of Ground
  • Plantain
    A treelike perennial herb (Musa paradisiaca) of tropical regions, bearing immense leaves and large clusters of the fruits called plantains. See Musa.
  • Protectionism
    The doctrine or policy of protectionists. See Protection, 4.
  • Wintered
    of Winter
    The aggregate of risks covered by the terms of a contract of insurance.
  • Covariant
    A function involving the coefficients and the variables of a quantic, and such that when the quantic is lineally transformed the same function of the new variables and coefficients shall be equal to the old function multiplied by a factor. An inva
  • Coventry
    A town in the county of Warwick, England.
  • Coverture
    Covering; shelter; defense; hiding.
  • Groundage
    A local tax paid by a ship for the ground or space it occupies while in port.
  • Plantal
    Belonging to plants; as, plantal life.
  • Protectionist
    One who favors protection. See Protection, 4.

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