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Last seen: Mon 17 May, 2021


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 topic : What's the proper form of "As a judge of your parents actions"? A grammar checker is saying I have two options, but which one is proper since you have two parents: parents' parent's Note: this

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

Posted in: #AcademicWriting #Grammar #Punctuation

A grammar checker is saying I have two options, but which one is proper since you have two parents:


Note: this is for a Theology Masters paper that I hope to eventually publish into a book.

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 topic : Re: Am I bringing my character back to life too much? This story is about a person in a sort of technologically advanced secret government organization that is basically SCP. The organization is

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

Bring them back as much as you want, just make sure that they have other conflicts, motivations, things they fear. One simple way to do it is how they did it in Edge Of Tomorrow.

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 topic : Re: Software for determining verb tense When I write fiction, or even technical reports, I have a very difficult time catching myself unintentionally switching verb tenses. Does software exist that

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

This code was useful to me.
from nltk import word_tokenize, pos_tag

def determine_tense_input(sentence):
text = word_tokenize(sentence)
tagged = pos_tag(text)

tense = {}
tense["future"] = len([word for word in tagged if word[1] == "MD"])
tense["present"] = len([word for word in tagged if word[1] in ["VBP", "VBZ","VBG"]])
tense["past"] = len([word for word in tagged if word[1] in ["VBD", "VBN"]])

My final version looks like this:
text = word_tokenize(sentence)
tagged = pos_tag(text)
universal_tag = pos_tag(text, tagset='universal')
presents = [word for word in tagged if word[1] in ["VBP", "VBZ","VBG"]]

for i, x in enumerate(tagged[:]):
if x[1] in ["VBP", "VBZ","VBG"] and universal_tag[i][1] in ["VERB"] and x[0] not in ["etc","[","]"]:

present_verbs = [" " + x for x in set(present_verbs)]
print(" n".join(present_verbs))

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 topic : Re: How to retrieve the number of copies sold for a specific book? I'm doing a research and I'm would like to know actually how many copies of a specific book has been sold until now. I

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

With the Reporting API, Developers can use the Reporting API to download sales reports and subscription reports.
See developer.amazon.com/it/docs/reports-promo/reporting-API.html#example The following example shows how to request the sales report for January 2018 (some tech skill is required)
curl -v -k -X GET "https://developer.amazon.com/api/appstore/download/report/sales/2018/04" -H "Authorization: Bearer Atc|MQEBIDdrcC586BxhFBdS7FQVS454oUO-fo90H5gUYVMZB1UVsPFoOPLj_zrpkf9BuMrx-PksU_qDJHL-PJ5suEQTigL1tv7A6AKlyoJJaoyzyzKhd0dwWw3LWUGrlxXxW459nJJH66F89GSBolrmlfuNONly8Cbts2Fy_KHI9YwvzwSVcgf_nvefss_H1O8tsvoYpORVuL8IXBrzT7bHxU0Xj5VjiaxDtU6N4oOQafefT8AcdN0IOYnh3Us8uEeeur3_OH473JwO3SjA4NRaS61Aq37UyhvM9pK3ccGOO5JoMkw1V9kDQQVhKiGWfCoTUBlaVkU"

Response: appstore-adx-reporting.s3.amazonaws.com/85923/sales/sales_2018_01.zip?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20180405T060912Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=299&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAJMFYXPVLQKTRRB7Q%2F20180405%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=adab43be54631565d330727383341d56989d129e4dea151411cf7a802b9e5e12

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 topic : Changing Genres in the Middle of a Story Let's say the story was introduced as a romance, then somewhere in the middle it becomes a horror/thriller, would you immediately think it's bad? Would

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

Posted in: #Plot #Style #Technique

Let's say the story was introduced as a romance, then somewhere in the middle it becomes a horror/thriller, would you immediately think it's bad?
Would you feel like "This is not what I came here for, I came for the butterflies, not for this bull" would you drop the story/ get mad?
What are your thoughts on this style?
Do you think sufficient foreshadowing is necessary? Or is it fine to switch suddenly as long as the story remains interesting/ its executed well?

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 topic : Re: I can't write without an inspiration I've been writing a book for almost a year now. But it takes so long because I have to wait for "inspiration". Sometimes I will get an idea that makes

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

To be perfectly honest with you, take a step back from the story and write something else - even if it's a three of four page scene of another story you have envisioned. In my case, it helps.

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 topic : Re: How can I show time passing with no way to measure time? In the writing, I was doing recently, a character is locked up in a wagon and dragged across the country by rich slavers. How could

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

Are you using first-person perspective or do just want to show instead of telling? Do you want the character to be aware of the time passing or just the reader? Do they need to notice time passing as it passes or would it be an option to have the character realize sometime after the arrival that the time has passed?

If it is first-person and you want to credibly convey that the captive is drugged, it might be more credible to only have them realize later how long they were in that waggon.

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 topic : Re: Do academic papers have to be necessarily grammatically correct? I notice that a lot of beautiful literature contains sentences that are not grammatically correct. Here are some examples:

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

This topic may overlap with academia and writing.

The idea of scientific publication is to comunicate your results so the other researchers may:

a) use your work as inspiration for their work,
b) use your work not to do same mistakes and dead routes as you did.

The reality is that researchers are paid according to their article cadence...

Grammar is actually standard of printed/spoken comunication. It is something like IEEE to electronics. Some languages have simple grammar and subtle nuances are distinguished by different words etc. Some languages have rather complicated grammar and the nuances are sometimes hidden in word orders, word mutations etc.

Even though English is The Language of Science, very few researchers are native English speakers. All the others had to learn English as their second, third, whateverth language. Reviewers, Editors and publishers also doesn't need to be native speakers as well.

There is no hard rule that Grammar must be obeyed inscribed in heavy stone. On the other hand proper and simple grammar is mandatory to minimize risks of miscomunication caused by different understandings. For many people, whrong grammar is challenging for their attention because they slip to focusing on the grammar scratching their heads mumbling "What the heck they were trying to say?"

Recently I was helping my brother with translation of user guide for a pump from american english to czech. One sentence took one hour discussion what they tried to mean, because we had to decompose all the adjectives, many could be used as verbs as well, to realize, that the word following the sequence doesnt match, so we had to decompose it again differently...

Please, if you are to write thesis, paper or anything academical or technical, do check the grammar and ask few non-natives to check it as well.
The language does not need to be smooth or nice, it shall be exact. The paper does not need to be written in Shakesperean English, Goethe's German, Voltaire's French...

Obviously, this does not apply for popularisation works like Hawking's Brief History of Time. Here, nice language is beneficial and it is, unlike scientific articles, piece of art. When properly referenced, any misunderstanding caused by nice but complicated words, is dissolved by the article with exact and simple language.

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 topic : Re: Printing a book in word - double sided, multiple pages on one sheet I want to print a mini book, of about 8 pages, one one sheet. It should be something along the lines of this, which I

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

I have a manual process

1 first print the odd pages >>>>> you must select reverse print in this step

2 after the printer finishes its task you should hold the printed pages and reverse them clockwise 180

3 untick the reverse print and print all the even pages

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 topic : Re: Can I reference a Lego Millennium Falcon in my book? I read the post about referencing real and fictional characters but would like to know what you think about this. I am writing a book

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

Yes, you can reference this character providing you respect registered trademarks, and follow the conditions of copyright and patent laws. After researching the LEGO Millennium Falcon I realize it is quite a fascinating toy. Your character would have spent many happy hours putting it together and playing with it. I can see it becoming a central symbol in your story. You can certainly use the name of the toy if you properly capitalize the words. More on this below.

To help readers like me who are unfamiliar with Star Wars understand the toy and associated games he played, you can describe his memories of assembling the thousands of bricks and parts of characters and machines. You can describe the thrills he experienced as he made one character do this (e.g. fly the plane to [name of place]) or watched another character do that (e.g. shoot down the plane with [name of weapon]). Doing so will not violate copyright even if those things happened in the real story.

To get an idea on what you can do with copyrighted material, see Wikipedia's description of the story of the novel Millennium Falcon written by James Luceno. Referencing toys or books or other items by their patented names/titles in one's story is completely acceptable so long as one capitalizes the appropriate letters. Not capitalizing the proper letters is a violation.

In the case of this toy, the first word LEGO is all capital letters. The name of the toy is LEGO Millennium Falcon. The LEGO Millennium Falcons all have big numbers attached because each model was different. However, unless your character has two models that he compares, you won't want to include five-digit numbers in your story. If you want, you can do like Wikipedia does and just call it Millennium Falcon.

I'm not sure why Wikipedia omits the word LEGO. However, LEGO makes many other toys besides the Millennium Falcon. From Wikipedia/Lego:

Lego (...stylised as LEGO) is a line of plastic construction toys that
are manufactured by The Lego Group, a privately held company based in
Billund, Denmark.

I include that quote partly to show the word "Lego" both with all caps and with only the first letter capitalized. I find this rather confusing with regards to the copyrighted name of the toy. However, all the listings for the toy that I saw in my Google Search used the LEGO form of the word.

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 topic : What is the best way to move a regular writing workshop online? Given the ongoing efforts to reduce close personal contact with others due to COVID-19, I am seeking suggestions for the best

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

Posted in: #Software #Tools

Given the ongoing efforts to reduce close personal contact with others due to COVID-19, I am seeking suggestions for the best way to conduct writing workshop groups online. This is usually a physical gathering for writers to brainstorm, share, and critique with guidance. I know that Zoom is free and could facilitate video calls for everyone. What about sharing or editing/reviewing written work among the group? Thanks for any suggestions!

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 topic : Re: What is this writing style called and how can I remove pronouns? Some background. I am currently in the editing phase of my dissertation and I have no clue what 'tense?'/'personage?'/writing

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

Yes, you are overthinking it. Unless you have been instructed to do so, you need not identify the writing style you are using or find the proper name for it. In my academic writing on the Masters level and for an academic social work journal, no one indicated that this was necessary. However, getting rid of the pronouns might help you clean up your writing. I agree with your observation:

I wrote it as "It is currently unknown if such a derivation exists."
However, I feel this has a meaning of 'nobody knows if it exists'
whereas it's really just me and my supervisors.

As you note, you don't want to speak for the entire academic community when you know only the position of yourself and your supervisors. However, you can "hedge your bets" by delineating the basis on which "It is currently unknown." I assume your statement is based on one or more of the following:

lectures and the literature of your discipline
your own studies and/or experimentation

If it is based on the literature, name the authors and their studies, etc. If based on your own studies and/or experimentation, list them. Rephrase your statement along these lines:

Based on [insert your basis], it is currently unknown..."

You also ask whether to use past or present tense, based on what "feels right." If you are going to opt for the traditional writing style where no pronouns are used, you will also want to write in the past tense that goes with it. Present tense for the sake of comfort may have worked fine so far but for the professional polish I think you want to go with past tense. After all, the experiments and studies are now in the past, if you need to justify it to your feelings.

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 topic : Re: How much can we alter History when writing Historical Fiction I am writing Historical Fiction novel. I wish to add sub-plot based on actual events. However the sub-plot I add may not be consistent

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

It is my understanding from the literature on how to write that when using actual historical characters, one must stick to historical dates for historical events such as births, marriages, and deaths. As a reader, I also expect those "landmarks" of the story to be accurate. The reason for keeping these important life-changing dates accurate is that "no man is an island unto himself," as some famous person wrote. In other words, each life is interwoven with everything else that is happening at the time.

Princess Ada's Medical Condition

I read your linked article on Princess Ada Irene Helen Benyl Duleep Singh. It seems she had a medical ailment that today the medical profession might diagnose as depression; Google defines neurasthenia thus:

an ill-defined medical condition characterized by lassitude, fatigue,
headache, and irritability, associated chiefly with emotional

The article says she:

was unhappy
led a troubled life
was treated in a "nursing home" [hospital?] in England in 1924
made an attempt to end her life in 1925
died by suicide drowning Oct. 8 1926

The article also says she was "much aggrieved" by her half-brother's death two months earlier. She was also separated from her husband since shortly before the 1925 suicide attempt though the article doesn't tell who initiated the separation. In my observation, all these things are today generally taken for either the symptoms, cause, or the consequence of depression.

Ramifications of a Princess's Suicide

The suicide of a princess will have had major political ramifications. Not least to be impacted will have been the relationship of her estranged husband Pierre Marie Villament with the king. If he has been in the family since March 1910, the historical wedding date, we know that his relationship, involvement, commitments, and political responsibilities are deeper and more complex than if he only married her in 1920 as you propose.

You may decide to also change Villament's role in the king's family, but then you are rewriting history a great deal. Alternatively, if he has been involved but not married all these years, the relationship between him and the princess will be different; her depression might not yet be so deep and far advanced in 1925 because for the past ten years she will have been courting him either secretly or overtly. She will have been living on hopes and dreams, keeping depression at bay.

That is my argument against changing the wedding date, based on professional training in mental health and family dynamics.

Suggestion: Create Your Own Story

A suggestion from the writing literature is to create a fictional character based on the period and culture, i.e. life, of Princess Ada Irene Helen Benyl Duleep Singh, daughter of Maharaja Duleep Singh. This gives you more freedom to write the story you want to write it.

You can create characters, conversations, political situations and events. Published examples are novels I've read set in the American White House with a fictitious president. These novels compared this fictitious president's character and habits with that of real former American presidents such as Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Barack Obama. I believe these former presidents were portrayed as accurately as possible. Brad Meltzer's Beecher White series uses this technique, if I remember correctly.

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 topic : Searching for a word about a particular feeling I'm trying to find a very specific word for a very specific feeling, and have had zero luck other places on the Internet with finding even a

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

Posted in: #CreativeWriting #WordChoice

I'm trying to find a very specific word for a very specific feeling, and have had zero luck other places on the Internet with finding even a reference to this. I'm hoping to invoke this particular emotion in a short story, the details of which I don't think are terribly important for the question itself.

It is something I have experienced before and, despite my lack of results, I'm sure others have as well.

It isn't excitement or anxiety, but it is something relatable...it's almost physical, like a sensation in the chest, most often, almost like a tightness or heaviness that sometimes almost seems to spread to the head as well...but it comes about when watching or listening or reading something fascinating, interesting, or something that grabs your attention in a very unique way and holds you and makes you feel...well, what I've said above is the best I can describe it.

In my own life I've often felt this when watching captivating speeches, or scenes that seem almost...intimate, not sexual, but like watching a person observe something closely and intently, investigating...or while reading something particularly compelling. Often when someone with a captivating, maybe soothing, voice explains something too.

It's very hard to describe, but I'm really hoping to emulate it through my writing in this piece...but I think to do so I need to know and understand what the feeling is. I hope you all can help! Thanks so much!

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 topic : Re: How to create suspense when the conclusion is known? How can there be suspense if the reader knows the conclusion from the beginning? I am writing an apocalyptic survival story, and I chose

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

You divide the story in small stories and create suspense for each story. For example one part of your end of the world story could be about the protagonist finding water before a big journey to a final destination where more survivors have gathered. Will he get enough water or not? Also, just because we know the ending does not mean we know all the details of how that ending happened. If you give interesting details that form a small story in the big story readers will be engaged.

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 topic : Re: What do I do with this short story? I wrote a really, really, good short story recently, with an amazing main character. I want to use her again, but it doesn't feel right to put a character

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

If you're wanting to go with a longer story like a novel, I'd suggest either making your short story in the past (of the longer story) or announce that the short story isn't canon (doesn't effect or make anything different for the main story).

A series of short stories would also be cool, but that decision is entirely up to you! :)

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 topic : Re: Writing order of Chinese names can anyone tell me whether the written Chinese name should be in the order of "surname + given name", or another way around? And of course, in academic writing.

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

Could anyone one tell me which way is correct for academic writing?

I don't believe there's an official "correct" way: it's best to just choose a "publication name" and stick to it.

A random Chinese name from RenRen is 高继山 (Gao Jishan). Here the surname is Gao (高) and the given name is Jishan (继山). Possible publication names are:

Jishan Gao
Ji-shan Gao
James Gao [+English given name]
James J. S. Gao [+English name and pinyin initials]
James J.-S. Gao

(These are using pinyin, and there's alternative romanizations too.)

Sometimes capital letters highlight surnames, e.g., Jishan GAO, but this depends on the publication outlet.

Some people publish with the surname first, e.g. Gao Jishan, which is consistent with the Chinese name conventions, but its presents a conundrum for subsequent citations: should they cite "Jishan et al." (following the standard format) or "Gao et al." (breaking with tradition). For example:

Chong Shangguan; Yiwei Zhang; Gennian Ge, Centralized Coded Caching Schemes: A Hypergraph Theoretical Approach, IEEE Trans. Info. Theory., 2018.

This is cited in subsequent publications (here):

C. Shangguan, Y. Zhang, G. Ge, "Centralized coded caching schemes: A hypergraph theoretical approach", IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 5755-5766, Feb. 2018.

Here, the cited name is not "S. Chong", but "C. Shangguan".

Some journals also allow publishing your name in Chinese too:

Publish your name in your native language, alongside the English version of your name, in the author list of your article.

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 topic : Re: What word would people with outdated technology make up for a plane? In my story, my characters live in the wilderness, and they have no modern technology. They do see ruins from the past

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

Rather than give a fish…

Tie it into the culture, make it do double duty

Everything in your story should do more than one job. The name you pick doesn’t have to be obvious to a contemporary human in our world. If you tie it into their culture, practices, and beliefs, it becomes more meaningful that you’re putting this plane “on screen” and having a scene or scenes with characters thinking or talking about it.

The Greeks thought the sun was carried by a chariot pulled by horses, and named him Apollo. He’s an incredibly complex god tied deep into the culture of Ancient Greece.

We humans didn’t name mysterious, possibly divine things without elaborate stories to more fully explain them to ourselves.

We site users don’t know anything, really, about your culture. We can’t name their perception of this plane in a cultural vacuum except in a superficial, comical way. And we can’t create your culture for you.

To be fair, you might not even know anything relevant to naming this phenomenon through their eyes… yet! This is an opportunity to invent, though. Perhaps it is the Tear of Sallen, and the mythology of Sallen is more important than this thing in the heavens associated with her. Perhaps there is a curse upon a snake that dooms it to hiss across the sky for eternity, and your reader learns the name first in a parable told near the hero about the follies of [insert foreshadowing of plot obstacle/character arc here].

It’s your world. Make this thing count!

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 topic : Re: What word would people with outdated technology make up for a plane? In my story, my characters live in the wilderness, and they have no modern technology. They do see ruins from the past

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

What about a "buzzbird"?

It brings to mind a buzzard which watch from high overhead like the plane, and I would imagine the characters can hear the plane 'buzzing' around.

It's also simplistic enough that a less advanced culture would think of it.

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 topic : Re: Should the first paragraph after a chapter be indented if it is quoted dialogue? In my manuscript I generally do not indent the first paragraph following a chapter heading. This generally looks

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

Keep it consistent. If you are using indented paragraphs with the first paragraph of a chapter not indented, maintain this regardless of the content. Starting with quoted speech isn’t a reason to break consistency.

This formatting style is very common, and chapters that start with quoted text are always formatted the same as regular text: with no indent.

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 topic : Will I use "the" in that instance or leave it with no article? If I'm given a choice, to put "the" or leave the word with no article, what's the better answer? The world helps in boosting

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

Posted in: #AcademicWriting #TechnicalWriting #WordChoice #WritersBlock

If I'm given a choice, to put "the" or leave the word with no article, what's the better answer?

The world helps in boosting young confidence.
The world helps in boosting the young confidence.

Thank you.

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 topic : Re: A Boy Named Sue - Copyright? I am the agent for a writer who has written a screenplay adaptation of the story of the poem, "A Boy Named Sue," which is the name of the screenplay story.

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

Any adaptation of a copyrighted work requires permission to be published. That permission needs to be in the form of a license.

A screenplay is not usually published, but a movie made from a screenplay is. The publisher of the movie will need to purchase the movie rights (a kind of license) from the estate of Mr Silverstein, the author of the poem.

It’s not impossible to shop a script to movie studios without already having the movie rights. The movie studio may or may not be interested, as the lack of license will mean buying the screenplay will require more work and risk than a wholly original story. If they are interested though, the movie studio is capable of pursuing a licensing deal.

Of course, Mr Silverstein’s estate is not guaranteed to offer a license to anyone.

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 topic : Re: Is political correctness a challenge to clarity of communication and characterisation The Ugly Sisters were ugly, everybody knows that, and in visual media they portrayed that way. I'm not going

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

Political correctness—the term—is a distraction. It was coined in Nazi Germany to describe what would not be censored, and all applications since have been disparaging. Applied to race relations it’s used for the disparaging sense, to deflect mere criticism and conflate it with full censorship, the better to preempt critical content. Often this usage is reflexive rather than deliberate. Being consistently a misnomer, the term today means nothing accurate, only what its users fear it might mean for them.

As a writer, considering political correctness through the lens of fear is already a failure and makes one’s work materially worse, not better, both for those who shy away from the term, and for those whose reactions are feared. There is no positive for having “political correctness” in a writer’s lexicon. It offers no positive guide to improving one’s writing, only a turning away from unwanted ideas. It’s an erroneous theory of human relations. It is as harmful for a modern writer to either embrace or avoid “political correctness” as it is harmful for a modern scientist to devote any effort to either proving or disproving the theory of phlogiston. Engaging with the concept is a conceptual trap.

If “political correctness” is something that a nagging part of a writer’s being says must be faced, addressed, grappled with, that’s a start, but before setting foot to that path that writer desperately need a better map to navigate by than the conceptual dead end of “political correctness”.

Neil Gaiman suggests a better map:

I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase “politically correct” wherever we could with “treating other people with respect”, and it made me smile.

You should try it. It’s peculiarly enlightening.

I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking “Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!”

To apply this takes, well, the particular consciousness of a writer touching every word on the page in the images it weaves with its fellows.

Does the story respect its subject? If not, does it still respect its reader? If not, does it need to disrespect its reader? If it must, does this story need to be told?

Only the writer can answer that, when writing.

If the writer can’t answer that, doesn’t know how to answer that, doesn’t know how to tell how their text relates to their readers and what story it tells, then as always, the writer has work to do. After all, once published, everyone but the writer will answer.

But why “respect” instead of “political correctness”? It’s not just more accurate, it’s more freeing. It does not lead to sacrificing clarity.

A writer who can confidently answer those questions, in whatever mix, is miles ahead of considerations of “political correctness”. Where the latter is a crude, inaccurate straight jacket—and just as antiquated—considerations of respect for people, readers, demographics—whatever the story touches—allows a writer to navigate race with nuance and awareness. Navigating by respect allows writers to create more daring yet deft works of fiction. Navigating with respect as the guiding star allows works that “political correctness”, in its shallowness, would say should not be written.

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 topic : Re: How to avoid libel when writing a fictional account of a real event I was a researcher for many years and it is a habit that has its usefulness in writing but also some serious drawbacks.

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

You can’t publish that story without lawyers involved
You’re not writing a book loosely “inspired by” this person and this event in their life, as in your examples about Severus Snape or The Silence of the Lambs. You are literally writing about a real person, and basing a book directly on their life story and real actions, and directly confirming these matching identities between fiction and real life in your story.
Neither is your story a parody. Nor can just playing up the fictional parts transform a work of fictional history into a parody.
These aren’t legal evaluations—I’m not a lawyer. These are “plain as nose on face” observations from having layman understanding of what you’re proposing to publish.
This is not a character and a plot you can just lift and use directly. You’re either going to have to buy the rights to their life story or get a lawyer—probably both.

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 topic : Re: Is it acceptable to render poems embedded in prose in two columns? I am working on a book is going through the typesetting stage for self-publishing. In order to keep page count down, is it

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

I don’t think it’s unacceptable to render poetry in two columns when embedded in book-length prose, but if it’s done, it’s rare enough that I’ve never seen it done. Even for songs or poems that run multiple pages, they are always typeset as a single column.

You’re likely better off following convention and rendering them in single columns.

Besides convention, there are downsides to two columns that you may not have considered. Two columns requires the reader to go backwards on the page, an unusual request for a novel to make of its reader. How to lay out the two columns correctly also depends on where the page breaks are, since you don’t want the reader to misunderstand how to read it in order, nor to need to flip back and forth across pages to do so. Third, popular ebook formats can’t natively render two columns, and even if they could, won’t guarantee that the columns will display with the intended page breaks.

The efficiency gains in printed pages for such a small part of the overall work will be negligible. Set against the disadvantages, it’s not surprising that we’ve never seen two-column poetry layouts in novels.

All that said, those considerations apply to the final layout of the book. In your manuscript, you are free to compress it a little by typesetting the poetry and songs in multiple columns, so long as the columns and page breaks don’t interfere with your editor(s) understanding the correct order of the lines! Even then, I’d leave them in single columns, since tweaking columns at the manuscript stage is probably work that won’t benefit the final book.

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 topic : Re: Capital lettering in old Italian names I want to use the name Leonardo da Vinci name for a presentation, but I I can't fit his whole name and would only like to use "da Vinci" My question

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

I'd use Da Vinci since it seems more formal.
Leornado Da Vinci simply means Leornado the Vinci. So if you are writing it as "da Vinci" it would translate to 'the Vinci'.Doesn't look like proper English ,does it?
So I'd suggest using the Capital D

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 topic : Is publishing a book around the age of 14 possible? I'm currently in the beginning stages of writing a book. I'm not very far along (I have the lore for the universe written and about half

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

Posted in: #Publishing #YoungAuthor

I'm currently in the beginning stages of writing a book. I'm not very far along (I have the lore for the universe written and about half of the outline) however I am genuinely pursuing this. I want to publish it, but I'm only 14 and I don't know how to do that exactly. Any suggestions, tips, things to avoid, etc.?

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 topic : Re: How to name MC after revealing body change? The plot of the novel is the following: The villain has body-swapped with the MC and I want to keep this hidden and reveal it as a plot twist

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

Interesting intrigue.

When YOU write about the 2 characters, you should willingly mislead the reader by calling them John and Mike

But be careful when the story characters talk to them, avoid to call them directly by their name, if both of them keep the secret.

I presume that both of them will "play the game", in order not to have problems in their new environment. In that case you can willingly make them act as if nothing was special.

You could show some hesitations sometimes, or some puzzled reactions from the other characters, bringing some tension, without pointing directly at the body-swapped character, to maintain cohesiveness while still not giving direct hints that something special happened.

When the truth will be revealed, readers will be able to rewind all the small hints troughout the story and be more surprised ! Everything was in front of their eyes since the start, but they could not guess it.

Good writing !

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 topic : Answering an essay question "assess the impact" or "analyse the impact" If an essay question states "assess/evaluate/analyse the impact of X on Y", does this allow for a discussion of how Z

Ann1701686 @Ann1701686

Posted in: #Essay #Structure

If an essay question states "assess/evaluate/analyse the impact of X on Y", does this allow for a discussion of how Z impacts Y?

For example, if the essay question is "Assess the impact of Deism on the authority of the Church", can you also devote a paragraph or two on the impact of other philosophies such as Rationalism, Empiricism and Skepticism in the essay, or would these be considered off-topic?

Example topic sentence for a paragraph: "While Deism had a significant impact on the the authority of the Church, other philosophies at the time had a similar effect."

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