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Topic : Re: Every idea for a story I come up with seems excessively long I already had practice with very short stories, like with 1-3k words, writing literally first things that came to my head. The -

10% popularity

I'll bet you can learn a lot from what you've already done...

Write down the plots of the very short stories that you've already written.
Notice how "long" they are.
Compare your short stories' plots
to the plots you're planning
for your longer stories.
How do the longer plots differ from the shorter ones?
Sketch a few plots that seem more like the shorter ones.

Here are some of the common variables that affect the length of a plot:

The number of characters.
The number of settings.
The number of subplots or plot threads.
The number of problems the main character is juggling.
The number of try/fail cycles before the main character finally puts everything on the line.

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