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Topic : Long or short form? Sometimes, when I write my stories, I may include a very long sentence but it can be desrcibe eith a short sentence. i.e: What I write: " When I went into the room of -

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Sometimes, when I write my stories, I may include a very long sentence but it can be desrcibe eith a short sentence.

i.e: What I write: " When I went into the room of darkness, the light that surrounded fade away in lighting speed. I laid down like a falling feather into my comfy place, and opened the door of dreams."

What it mean: "I was going to sleep."

Is it ok to write like this? Because some of friends think it's boring and some of them can't understand it.

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There's nothing wrong with the sentence. It's a little flowery, but if that's your style, as long as the reader understands what you intend, it's fine. Your friends may have different tastes in prose and prefer short, crisp descriptions instead. Nothing wrong with that either.

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