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Topic : Re: What tools do you use for your writing journal? I usually keep a notepad and pen with me at all times. So, if I'm out thinking about a story and a scene or a bit of dialogue comes to -

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As FoxCutter has said elsewhere, for many of us Moleskine is hard to beat. You can pick a size that works for you to carry anywhere, ranging from just smaller than an iPad to one that fits in a pocket and clutch. The fact that it is a notebook lets you keep everything in one place. The fact that you can get it in a "to-go" size means you can have it with you whenever an idea strikes.

And personally I find that I seem to think better with a pen on paper than in any other medium. It's just a personal quirk. I collect ideas on paper and often do my first drafts there. If you work better with a screen and typing, this won't work so well for you.

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