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Topic : Re: Kindle Worlds Publishing Benefits, Statistics? Lots of articles/opinions on Kindle worlds out there. Not that much on actual numbers and facts that I can find. What I want to know is, if I -

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Amazon doesn't really do anything to aggressively promote Kindle Worlds. However, if you go to their Kindle eBooks page, they do have a link to Kindle Worlds in the Popular Features section near the top of the page in the left navigation menu. Of course, that doesn't show up anywhere in their site map, and you have to actually go looking for the Kindle eBooks page to even find the link for the Kindle Worlds offerings. However, I have heard from some writers in a couple of forums that if your title does get bought by someone, then there is a possibility that Amazon may send out your title as a recommendation e-mail to others who may have bought books set in the same Kindle World. Of course, that all assumes that your book is selling well enough to draw their attention.

From what I have seen in different writer's forums, nobody is getting rich off of Kindle Worlds. They are simply writing stories that they probably would have given away for free on fan fiction sites anyway. If you have an interest in telling a story, then do so, just don't go in with the expectation that Amazon will be doing anything extra to boost your chances of selling just because it's set in one of the Kindle Worlds.

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