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 topic : Metaphor or Personification Recently, on a school test, I was given a poem comprehension. One of the questions was : What is the figure of speech in "...the trees start whispering among

Mendez196 @Mendez196

Posted in: #FiguresOfSpeech #Metaphor #Poetry

Recently, on a school test, I was given a poem comprehension. One of the questions was :

What is the figure of speech in "...the trees start whispering among themselves?
(A) Metaphor
(B) Simile
(C) Personification
(D) Onomotopoeia

I ruled out Onomotopoeia and Simile but was confused between the other two. I told my teacher that it is Metaphor as the rustling of trees is indirectly compared to whispering but she said that it is Personification as trees are given a human quality. What should it be?

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Gail2416123 @Gail2416123

This is personification.

Personification is the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.

A tree cannot whisper, in fact trees cannot talk to each other unlike human beings. But here, they are personified as if they can.

Had it been a metaphor, it would have been an unstated comparison between two things.

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Sarah872 @Sarah872

Both "Personification" and "Metaphor" are correct answers. Personification happens to be the best answer because it's more specific, but it's actually a type of metaphor.

Everyone knows what a person is, but do you know what personification is? Personification is a type of metaphor and a common literary tool. It is when you assign the qualities of a person to something that isn't human or that isn't even alive, like nature or emotions.


This illustrates the problems of trying to shoehorn things like literary criticism into the format of standardized tests. If they had replaced "What is the figure of speech in..." with "What is the best description of the figure of speech in..." then "Personification" would have been less ambiguously correct.

As it stands, however, I would say you have excellent grounds for arguing your teacher should mark you as "technically" correct (assuming she's the kind of teacher who is open to being challenged).

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Si5022468 @Si5022468

A simile is a simple, direct comparison between two things, such as "The snow is a white blanket" or "Life is a rollercoaster". A metaphor is a more indirect or complex comparison. For example, "The snow blanketed the hill, as if to keep the sleeping land warm" is a metaphor. The snow is again being compared to a blanket, and the land to some being that could sleep, arguably a form of personification. "The fog crept in on little cat feet" is both a metaphor and a personification. The fog's motion is being compared to that of a cat, and the fog itself is being represented as a living being, a cat. (Note that personification need not involve a human.)

"He dived from the board, his body a spear as it entered the water" is metaphor, and may or may not involve symbolism, depending on what connections the rest of the text may make between the diver and a spear.

"The trees start whispering among themselves" is a personification, but it also acts as a metaphor, comparing the sounds made by the trees, or perhaps by the wind, to whispers. Indeed most personifications are also metaphors. But since "personification" is more specific than "metaphor" it would be the correct answer in a class setting, most likely.

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Angela458 @Angela458

The trees have been turned into 'people' who start to whisper,
which is personification.

Your example would be a metaphor if it were phrased as:

'the trees were a whispering among themselves (that began).'

i.e. one thing is the same as another.
The trees are 'a whispering among themselves'.

A simile only says they're like/as each other.
i.e.The trees were as a whispering among themselves (that began).'

(I changed 'started' to 'began' to make the sentence sound a little less clunky).

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Debbie451 @Debbie451

It is personification.

Simile and metaphor are both comparing X to Y, but in different ways.

A simile always uses "like" or "as": "The rustling of the branches was like trees whispering to each other."

A metaphor uses symbolism. It's something which can't be literal: "Their hissing gossip was the rustle of tree branches: indistinct, indecipherable, far above my head."

Personification (sometimes known as anthropomorphism) is ascribing human actions and/or motivations to non-human actors or objects: "The trees whispered." (Trees have no mouths or ears, so they can't whisper.)

Onomatopoeia is when a word sounds like the sound it's describing: bark, boing, whoosh, hiss. [edited to fix ridiculous error]

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