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Topic : Re: Should I create my own ConLang for my story? For my story I'm writing, some of the characters speak a different language from the protagonists. Should I actually create a ConLang (constructed -

10% popularity

Hire someone else to do it instead. There are thousands of conlangers looking for work and eager to work on any project, whether it be a motion picture or a short story collection. You can hire conlangers using the LCS Jobs Board.

That said, when it comes to using the language in the book, Card's advice is pretty good. Even being a professional language creator, I prefer not to have to work for a translation when reading. That's precisely what supplementary material is for. If I'm interested, I'll look that up and actually work through the translations later. For reading, I don't want to have to make reference to extra material, be it a family tree, a map, or a dictionary.

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