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Topic : Re: Subtitle for Short Story Is it considered good practice to include something along the lines of "(a short story)" as the subtitle of my short story? A little more information: my short story -

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Many publishers omit the information altogether when they post standalone short stories to KDP. The figure that Amazon's Product Details will give an estimate of the print length of the book, and that's enough of a hint.

I like to let people know when my book is a short story. I include that information in the last line of my book descriptions. Something like:

A creepy fantasy short story from Dale Hartley Emery.

I would not use "a short story" as an actual subtitle. That is, don't put "a short story" into any sort of subtitle field either inside the ebook or when you fill out the form to upload it to KDP. The length is just a fact about the story. Elevating it to a subtitle gives it far too much emphasis.

But you might put the information on the cover as part or all of a "book tag"--a one- or two-line teaser in a smaller font near the book title.

If you use it on the cover, consider not putting it in parentheses. That makes it look like an apology. Also, if it were really parenthetical, it would not belong on the cover.

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