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Topic : Problem with hired freelance editor I am not a native English speaker and hired an editor to correct the style of a book that is being published. However, this editor didn't work in the final -

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I am not a native English speaker and hired an editor to correct the style of a book that is being published. However, this editor didn't work in the final version of the manuscript I sent but rather on an old draft I had sent for a quotation. Additionally, the returned manuscript had many added typos (at least 20 in one chapter).

Since the editing was done it an old version, it is now completely useless to me. How should I handle this? Should I pay for work that wasn't even what I requested?

Is it normal for an editor leave typos and expect for a proofreader to fix them?

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I would talk to them about it. Just be friendly. Let them know that the wrong file was edited. See what they have to say. Were both files sent in the same email / however you sent it? If it wasn't clear which was to be edited, that may be on you. If you were very clear about which was to be edited, they might offer to look at it again. Could just be a simple mistake. Give them the chance to offer a second look.

'Light editing' usually is for content editing. It looks at a broader picture. e.g. Does the narrative flow? Are there plot inconsistencies? Does each chapter have a purpose? Did you start off with a character and then forget about them halfway through?

Proofreading is a separate style of editing and is often charged separately by editors. They will focus on the grammar, spelling, spacing, etc. When you get a contract for this service, they usually won't make notes / corrections to your content.

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