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Topic : Re: What is an APA-certified editor? Is APA-certified editor an actual credential? If yes, is there a universally-accepted proof in the U.S. for that credential? I tried a web search on "how to -

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I am almost entirely certain that no such thing exists as an actual credential from the APA directly. However, I would imagine that some programs, maybe at the community college level or other certifying bodies, may offer a certificate as an APA-style editor (or any other style).

I have a four-year degree in writing and rhetoric, and the track I was in was Writing as a Discipline which would most closely align with something like this, and still no... no certification (granted my school was primarily an MLA shop, but there was no MLA-certified editor option, either).

Remember that, given the desire and options, you can become "certified" in almost anything. Johnny's Certification Shack could offer you a cert in APA-style editing. That doesn't mean that anyone, especially the APA, would be impressed.

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