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Topic : Re: Can I legally use experimental items in my book? I am looking to write a book and include real experimental weapons and aircrafts. Is this possible or could I be sued. Say for example if -

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In both of the examples you gave, I would assume that there is some level of public knowledge or information that has already been shared publicly. As a result, there would be no reason for you to not be able to write about it.

One way to help you answer your own question is to ask yourself how you came to know about it. If you read about it online or thrugh a public forum or any other source where information was shared freely, then you probably wouldn't have any cause for concern.

If you read about it in a magazine article or a book that was previously published by another author, then you have to be careful about how you use the information. I wouldn't be concerned so much about violating a copyright or borrowing from someone else's ideas, ut I would be concerned about the legitimacy of the information that person provides. Is that person a credible source, where did they get their information, and what amount of research did they do before writing their work? These are questions you should ask yourself before deciding to expand on the source information.

If you do end up using information from other sources, you will be able to circumvent some of you problems by attributing the information to the original source, assuming it isn't your own first hand knowledge. If it is based on your own first hand knowledge, then you need to make sure that you aren't bound by any type of non-disclosure agreement before proceeding.

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