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Topic : Re: Are there times when delayed character development is acceptable in fiction? In my screenplay, I have my female protagonist wear Prada, and perhaps drop other hints of her character, but not -

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I think you may need to look at the traditional three act structure.

Act one is setting up the every day life of your character(s) and ends with the inciting event which leads into act two.
Act two is the main bulk of the story, leading up to a large peak and ends with that moment where it looks like your hero(ine) cannot possibly succeed.
Act three is where your hero(ine) does succeed then descends to tidy up the loose ends for a good emotional closure of your story.

For me, you'd be best to re-think your ideas of the three acts. Have your character get her promotion at the end of act one as that's your inciting event. Act two becomes the new her when she has her promotion but you need to think about what the journey is for the character and how you'll lead into act three and tie up the emotional journey. Does she become a better character? Does she get outwitted by the girl who actually is as nice as she seems? Does she get everything she thought she wanted but actually ends up alone?

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