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Topic : Re: What can I do to make my writing fit the 1950s? I'm working on a project (for a game) that needs to have a strongly 1950s feel. I, however, was born in the 1980s, so my writing has plenty -

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If you already have some sense for which words seem iffy, another good source for checking this type of stuff is the online edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. The main downside is the paywall if you're not affiliated with a subscribing institution. For every word the OED gives you a list of example usage throughout various time periods, generally starting with earliest known written usage. Combine it with ngram for more precision.

Here's an example entry for the word "backpack":

back-pack, n.
Etymology: back- comb. form 1a(c), pack n.1 1.
Chiefly U.S.

A pack carried on the back; spec. one consisting of a folded parachute. Also attrib.

1914 Outing June 312/1 By folding a is convenient as a back-pack.

1921 Outing Mar. 254/1 How about that little back-pack tent you are going to have for your trip?

1930 C. Dixon Parachuting 160 (caption) The Back Pack is usually used.

1946 W. F. Burbidge From Balloon to Bomber iii. 45 One type [of parachute] is carried on the airman's lap..a ‘back pack’ fastens below the shoulders.

1966 Economist 23 July 353/1 The back-pack manoeuvering unit that was to have been tried out by Gemini 9.

1969 Times 22 July (Moon Rep.) p. i/3 The mass of the back-pack does have some effect on inertia.


back-pack v. intr., to carry a pack on the back: used esp. of hiking, camping, etc. Also trans.

1956 D. Leechman Native Tribes Canada 37 Whatever was not carried on the toboggans had to be backpacked.

back-packer n.

1946 Trail & Timberline June 88/1 (D.A.), The deplorable housing situation could never really affect a certain group of enthusiasts known as back-packers.

back-packing n.

1916 H. Kephart Camping & Woodcraft I. 143 Back-packing is the cheapest possible way to spend one's vacation in the wilderness.

1940 W. S. Gilkison Peaks, Packs xiii. 102 Swagging—or, if you prefer it, back-packing—is more or less an essential part of every climbing trip.

1961 Times 18 July 11/6 Back-packing is the only means of transport.

As you can see, the word isn't actually that anachronistic, rather it looks like wide-spread usage hadn't yet caught on by the 50s.

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