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Topic : Re: How can I improve my writing's pacing and sophistication? How can I improve my creative writing skills? I have many ideas for short stories but I feel as if my writing is very slow paced -

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Go thru your text, preferably while writing it (to avoid extra work), remove everything and anything that does not make the story work better. Rewrite anything that is longer and wordier than is useful. Once you have done that, the story should have reached the optimal pacing for it. Only real way to be too slow is to have useless text, look for that and remove it, and you do not need to worry.

Obviously, reality is more complex and what is useful and useless will vary on a case by case basis, but the general idea is simple.


Not worth worrying (separately). The best level of sophistication is the one needed to tell the story with the fewest words. If a method allows to tell the story more efficiently, use it. If it doesn't, it is useless and you should ignore it. Being sophisticated is kind of cool, gets nice comments from critics and so on, but critics do not really buy that many books. Ordinary readers are interested about the story. There is no real value adding sophistication to it, unless it actually makes the story better.

And that is actually something that is best learned with experience. Once you gain experience as a writer, your stories become more sophisticated and the level of sophistication in your writing will rise organically to match. That is the correct order. Trying to learn cool techniques and then making the stories match will result in losing your natural voice and generally waste time.

Your mileage does vary

There is really no one true answer for matters of personal writing style. And, to be perfectly honest, I even exaggerated my own position on this. I did this because I figured what you really needed was a different perspective on the matter, so you can find your own solution, not a ready answer.

So take with a bucket of salt!

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